The General P&R Women's Thread

The May 1-3 event will be held at an Orlando location disclosed to only to those who pay for admission. Tickets cost $1,999 (there’s a sale for $999), and are only sold to women. All of the speakers are men.

Topics the men will discuss include the ills of feminism, the war on motherhood, beauty and obesity, love and dating, getting pregnant and having “unlimited babies,” getting in shape, beating the competition to “become the ultimate wife,” and boosting femininity.

The preview picture next to the femininity topic is of a smiling woman, with a statement that “men prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos.” Their message is, when women do anything that these bros doesn’t like – anything that goes against the most antiquated notions of women – it’s a woman acting like a man, whatever “acting like a man” means.

Fittingly, organizers have scheduled men to come first, with the 21 Convention’s “2nd Patriarch Edition” starting on April 30, and the 22 Convention’s “World’s Ultimate Event for Women” starting on May 1. Both run through May 3.

You have got to be kidding. However this will probably sell out thanks to some hack like Hannity talking it up.

That… can’t be real, can it.

I want to go.

It appears their business model is to generate enough outrage to get journalists to pay the fee to attend, only to find that journalists are the only paid attendees.

Thing is that journalists typically don’t pay for conferences. A press pass is usually free in order to generate coverage of an event.

I posted this in the Good Place, but maybe it is more appropriate here.

To continue from that thread, I guess I shouldn’t argue on behalf of Candace Owens since I don’t know what she stands for outside of what’s specifically mentioned in the argument. Perhaps elsewhere she’s pushing for violence against trans people, I don’t know.

But saying “only women can give birth” is a widely held position and if you’d like to debate that, have at it, but it’s a crazy leap to automatically “fear for your safety” around those that hold it. It’s not a settled issue, and the people who believe it don’t uniformly or necessarily hold the same views about other issues of gender, sexuality, identity, etc.

Having a Nazi on her podcast was fine until she found out the Nazi made anti-trans comments? Does Jamil not have access to google and know who the alt right are?

Fair enough, but it is also her prerogative to only bring to her show those who abide by certain positions. It may make for a very narrow range of guests, but it is her show, after all.

And I said as much in my first response in the other thread, I agree.

At first I was a bit confused. That was a weird line to draw after all.

But I did read the article and it seems that there is indeed more to it.

Short version: a trans male person married to a nonbinary person is having a baby using donor sperm from a trans female. Now that is a whole lot of stuff going on, but whatever. Owens replied to Jamil ‘woman has baby with male sperm donor. There fixed it’. Which is far more aggressive than simply saying only women can have babies. There was some back and forth after that before rescinding the invite.

Now I have no idea who either party really is. And I don’t particularly care about this specific kerfuffle. I am only chiming in because I find Owen’s representation of her comments dishonest, and wanted to flag that part from the story.

Based on what I know about Nazis… wouldn’t all of them make anti-trans comments? That is a hate group that hates, you know, everyone except them and would readily kill if they thought they could get away with it, and sometimes even if they can’t and don’t.

an urgent crisis that affects people aside from those four deeply, and is super everyone’s business

Absolutely. I don’t care. The only reason I put that in there is because it is part of the story as the impetus for Owens, and why her representation of the reason for her invite being rescinded is dishonest.

Oh for sure, my salt wasn’t aimed at you.

I hope he’s burning in hell

When people confess to large numbers of murders like that, I usually can’t help but wonder how they can even remember them all, let alone enough details to allow investigators to verify anything beyond physical evidence.

He was so detailed in confessing that the only way the authorities confirmed one victim was by the contents of her final meal.