The GOP is still morally corrupt, even if Discourse breaks

I can get behind that.

If we could give that Democrat 4 terms, she or he could do a good job cleaning up the mess and creating some long-term prosperity, equity and justice. One or two just don’t seem to be enough.

Unfortunately, that means a GOP president would have the opportunity for 4 terms too.

Yes, there is that.

Honestly, I still blame it on Gore for not winning his home state of Tennessee in 2000. He would have won even without Florida and Hanging Chads and lawsuits etc.

I do think that there is a strong possibility that the GOP candidate in 2004 (had Gore won) would have been someone with more Integrity than Bush/Cheney (probably Colin Powell, without Cheney’s fake intel), and we would be in a more sane timeline where we had a response to 9/11 which didn’t involve the worst of the worst in terms of the surveillance state buildout/Iraq war/torture/Bush Tax cuts gutting the surplus without putting Social Security in a lockbox/etc. - heck, there’s even a slim possibility that we would have been more dialed into Al Qaeda and prevented 9/11, tho I doubt it).

It could also be wishful thinking. I don’t think Gore would have been very good at fighting the neo-cons and nascent insane GOP’ers in Congress, and they could easily have been pushing stolen election non-stop and gotten us to Trumpism with another name even faster)

There are times I completely agree with you – go back to 2000, and everything could be better.

Funny 2000 election anecdote: in the summer of 2000, I was working for a semi-federal agency providing oversight and guidance to a federal contractor that was implementing a call center and software project in support of a program. I was doing a site visit to that contractor, and one of the senior people there was just incredibly adamant in his support of Bush.

Normally, this wouldn’t be an issue, but the program that we were working on (funding for Internet in schools) was something Gore had pushed, and Bush had promised repeatedly on the election trail to abolish this program. So the guy who was promoting Bush was literally pushing and advocating for a candidate who had promised to eliminate his job.

I guess, though, in the end I am the idiot, rather than him. That program is still going strong a quarter century later, and Bush never even tried to do anything to it legislatively.

Glad to hear the program didn’t get gutted!

Since 1970, so LIV, akshually.

And Chuck Grassley who was upset that the person he ran against had been there too long (16 years) and showed his commitment to this belief by serving in Congress for half a century.

Senators who would never vote for any Dem bill or nominee announce that they will not vote for any Dem bills or nominees.

What a bunch of fuckwits. Like the White House has ANYTHING to do with a County DA (not even the state AG), and they know it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Veep suck-up list.

A confirmed sighting of an octoclod, how exciting!

Honestly kinda shocked Ron Johnson didn’t fight for his place on the Stupid Honor Roll.

This is wild. Not surprising, but wild. Paywall link but I’ll post the relevant bit.

The GOP (well, this particular Republican anyway) is calling to censure Hogan for asking Americans to respect the rule of law, whichever way the verdict went. The GOP has jumped the shark.

Kancel Kulture

What’s nuts is if the GOP actually throws away a Senate seat because Hogan… Said a thing which would normally be considered obviously correct.

I can’t wait to hear his measured and flacid response on the Sundays shows. Maybe even a full reversal. I know he’s been critical of CFSB, if not an outright anti-magat, but his political future is on the line. Sad, I almost like the guy.

Hogan is probably the closest thing to a moderate Republican there is out there. He has not been a terrible governor… at least not when compared to other GOP governors. Since the Dems generally had a supermajority in the state legislature, his impact was mostly in causing bills to take twice as long to get enacted because they needed to be voted on twice (once to pass, and then to override the veto).

His COVID response was fairly sane. He went against the NRA on a couple occasions, but was generally against any additional gun control measures. He made typical GOP-noises on immigration, but the border between Maryland and Mexico is pretty short. He tries very carefully to walk on both sides of the abortion issue, and has called himself anti-abortion and pro-choice at various times.

So yeah, he wasn’t a very bad governor. But as a Senator, the best we could hope for is that he would slide into Mitt Romney’s current role and tut-tut the GOP’s most extreme views while voting for 99% of the other, not-quite-as-extreme ones.

Without reading the names on the list, let me guess - Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Marco Rubio, Mike Lee, Rick Scott, JD Vance … now it gets a little tougher one of Chuck Grassley, Lindsay Graham, John Kennedy.