The Grand Tour -- Top Gear 2.0 on Amazon Prime

I’m glad you said that, I love Top Gear but Clarkson is easily the worst thing about it when he’s talking about anything but cars. I’ll have to give Farm a try.

To quote my wife ‘He is the worst person on Top Gear’.

She still like Top Gear/Grand Tour but she is just too nice. She is about James May.

But I will give the Farm thing a spin.

I’ve been watching May’s Food Tribe videos, and I will always adore his love of Spam

I’m really enjoying it too. But when I tried to resume the second half, it looks like a pixelated mess on my AppleTV. Even if I let it play for 15 minutes, it just plays back at really really low bit rate. Other shows on Prime Video didn’t have this problem, just this one.

I guess I’ll try again some other time, maybe Amazon Prime is just having a bad week on certain servers.

Watching Jeremy Clarkson getting thrown around in his big old 70s bench seat while he went around the track had me laughing so hard. It also made me really nostalgic for my second car: Oldsmobile Cutlass Sierra. I really miss that sense of sitting in a big old boat with comfortable seats and suspension sometimes.

This absurd thread bump helpfully reminded me the new episode came out last week! Can’t wait to watch it.

It’s good, but not as good as Lochdown.

That was my takeaway as well. Carnage a Trois was great, but Lochdown might be my favorite single episode of either series. It’s like a best-of made up entirely of original material.

I laughed a lot during Carnage a Trois. Good show.

I finished the series (Episode 6). For a travel show to show me things like these beautiful southern islands in Japan that have villages mostly abandoned by the new generation as they move into cities, that’s just really cool. I really love the art project they did in that one village James May shows where they replaced the people that died/moved away with scarecrow dummies. So creepy. And yet, you figure things like this are cyclical right? I just think it’s smart to keep the villages occupied in some manner like this because people will inevitable crave the village life again, maybe when they get older and want to move back. Of course, will there be enough of them to actually form a community, who knows. But an art project like that seems a smarter idea than selling everything to giant corporations who will turn the areas into resorts and whatnot. The Anthony Bordain episode on Jamaica comes to mind.

Now I’m completely out of “Our Man in Japan” and Grand Tour episodes. On to James May’s cooking show and Jeremy Clarkson’s show about a farm!

The farm show is surprisingly excellent despite not having James May. Clarkson somehow lucked into having the perfect foil for him as a farmhand, it’s really quite good.

He’s back! This time it’s Our Man in Italy. July 15th.

How about some Duran Duran for your trailer?

Sept 16. The day after Thursday Night Football starts on Prime.

I started watching it this morning. I watched about the first hour or so, until they found one of those cabins and settled down with the fire.

Man, what a great episode so far. I really missed these guys. Clarkson’s Farm and May’s travel shows and cooking show were great, but this is just so wonderful.

And man, those starting scenes in Norway! So beautiful!

That’s where I took a break too when I watched. It’s a natural stopping point!

I couldn’t stop laughing at Richard Hammond trying to get on a ski lift with a sled. One of the finest bit of physical comedy I’ve ever seen.

That’s a damn shame. A buffoon who still hasn’t learned to think before he speaks. And now one of my long term favorite shows will come to an end as a result.

Clarkson’s apology:

As much as I thoroughly enjoy both Grand Tour and Clarkson’s Farm (glad to hear they’ll still air season two and finish season three as well), it’s clear that Jeremy Clarkson is an idiot. Reading what he wrote I can only conclude the guy was three sheets to the wind when he wrote and sent it, because anyone with half an ounce of common sense would realize it was going to create a huge shitstorm of backlash. Having already been in at least one situation where his mouth and actions caused career catastrophe, he knows full well that something like this doesn’t just come back on him, but affects the livelihood of hundreds of people attached to the shows he is a major part of. What an ass.