The Great Like Experiment of 2017

Just saw that movie for the first time. Good catch.



Despite the lobbying, I’m still hoping Tom elects to keep the status quo and not re-enable likes after tomorrow. For me, they detract and change the tone and content (discussed to death above, so won’t re-hash). But it’s out of our hands.

I will say it was nice to go off / on / off so we could see what was gained by enabling them and how we felt about losing the functionality. It’s the best way to really assess the feature.

So props to @tomchick for running the experiment.

I’m going to be out of commission tomorrow night and most of Thursday, so I should go ahead and say that the likes won’t be turning back on. I’ll go into more detail later.

I’ve appreciated all the discussion and especially everyone’s patience while we let this play out, and by all means I’m happy to have the discussion continue. But for reasons I’ll explain before the end of the week, it’s important to me that we don’t use them here.


I like this.

I post gifs


I disagree, because now the people that enjoyed likes feel like something was taken away from them. Tennyson had it wrong, 'tis better to never have loved at all than loved and lost.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

I continue posting things that have not relation whatsoever. Maybe are good things, maybe not.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

But our hearts are now missing.


Also, now I can never catch up to @Timex,so I guess you win Qt3 for all eternity, man. Gratz!

once i had emojis, it was a gasssss
soon turned out had a missing like
mucho distrust, armandos’ behind

once i had likes and it was divine
soon found out forum lost its mind
seemed like a great thing but i was blinddd
mucho distrust, hearts of mine


Don’t you have a 103 fever? Shouldn’t you be curled up on a couch, doing everything you can to ignore the outside world in an attempt to feel better? You are going to lie down and start feeling better mister!