The Great Like Experiment of 2017

Likes seem so incredibly low key, that I find it hard to understand anyone really giving a shit about them.

Allow me to test your theory. Tell me that you don’t crave more of that sweet sweet digital pink pop up.

It’s not about the UI element itself, it’s about the impact they can have on the conversation. People tend to pander for likes; they gamify communication.

I’m not gonna lie I’d do stuff for some Likes right now. Like, really gross, deeply immoral shit, man. I’d call Star Control 2 better than 3, for instance, if I thought people’d like it ;-)

I think that impact is largely imagined.

I just don’t see folks changing their behavior either way.

Like’s basically replace nothing posts which would have said, “Like.”


@Timex: That is wumpus’ argument in a nutshell, yes.

I always knew you were a monster, Penblade.

I’m honestly shocked you weren’t hoarding food posts, waiting to unleash them on the day likes were live, unleashing such a torrent of adulation that it caused the server to collapse into the singularity, extinguishing all life on the planet.

I actually hadn’t cooked much here lately, but last night produced some frankly delicious Venezuelan/Colombian pulled pork, black beans, and yellow rice. I’ll try my hand at arepas tonight after running my last session for the RPG Book Club :)

Also, I lied. I could never turn my back on you, Star Control 3. You’re truly the greatest Star Control <3 <3 <3

Understand @ArmandoPenblade that I like that because of series finale sessions for RPG book club (mine is tonight as well), and not because your heinous views on Star Control 3.

I’m trying my best to ignore the like system and let others have their fun. Settings like this make it hard and are directing people to use the forum in a certain way. I absolutely don’t want the forum telling me what it thinks I should be interested in.

The red color in the thread list is so stupid, like a vBulletin flaming folder icon from the 90s. I thought we were trying to be modern?

Man have I got some bad news for you, mate.

Not that I want likes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that sort of thing could be tweaked independent of likes being on. (then again, it - is- Discourse, so I also wouldn’t be surprised if it can’t be).

That’s a silly thing to say. Discourse has so far proven to be very configurable through CSS and settings tweaks. Don’t you remember what the test board looked like?


I miss the test board. I was king there.

There are a number of things that haven’t been possible to change, though, some of which seem like basic utility tweaks that ought to be easy but the particular way they work is apparently some sort of bedrock philosophical foundation of the design. And likes are one of those core design elements, apparently. Wumpus said earlier in the thread that disabling them involved giving everyone 0 likes and then hiding the UI stuff with CSS, not actually turning any of that functionality off as such.

Actual footage of @divedivedive from test board

sigh I know… have to keep fighting the good fight though.

Well, if you know CSS, you know that that colour is very likely a “Liked thread” style. It should be easy to set it to an empty element or the same colour as regular thread counts.
