The Great Like Experiment of 2017

I don’t know CSS, but I did say I figured it was probably possible to tweak.

You know how that “Stupid Shit You See on Facebook” thread works, right?

Yeah, FB likes drive that shit getting to the walls of wanktards that go and like it again and again.

But likes on this forum aren’t tied into any kind of ranking system at all.
It’s a button that does nothing.

Well stop inviting your weirdo shut-in auntie to QT3 already!

Well the joke is on you. My sense of self-worth is already irrevocably tied to the number of likes my forum posts get.

Hmm, conundrum. To like because that amused me, or not to like because I don’t want to encourage the addict.

Fine, I’ll give you the hit. But this is the last one!

Dude if you do the diligent Penblade work on arepas and they come out as good as your usual food, I want a recipe with instructions. I effing love arepas, but they are shrouded in mystery to me (yes I know that’s dumb and the internet exists, lol)

I will say that even if we decide against likes, this thread has already given me a lot of giggles and I think even temporary likes has been worth it.

I’m not seeing any red threads anywhere. I’m confused.

Go to everything else, look at this thread. It is red, or more of a brownish red since you’ve read it.

Are you talking about just the little reply count?

Yes. As far as I can tell, that’s the difference.

Holy shit I didn’t even notice until I scoured the page a bit after you said something.

We should turn it off though, it’s just confusing.

And you can see the source css if you inspect. It’s going to be easy to shut off in the custom QT3 css. I don’t think I have permissions but I’ll volunteer if we need someone to do it.

I was hungry and frustrated at work so I took an extra-long lunch to sample my already-prepared stuff in some fresh-made arepas. I still lack any guac/pico, and I gotta work on my arepa shaping skills, but I’ll just tell you that the two white corn arepas with pork, black beans, yellow rice, cheese, and Valentina (shout out to the hot sauce thread) are pretty flipping amazing right now.

You start working on those pictures and instructions right now! No work for you!

It is absolutely possible to turn that off. Tom decided to leave it on as part of the “experiment”. If after all is said and done everybody decides likes are peachy but the red has gotta go, that won’t be a problem.

Maybe this is a negotiation tactic where we start with two dumb things and it feels like a healthy compromise to only end up with one. That way the like-haters feel like they’ve achieved something!

Donald Trump would be proud.

Is there a way for like non-likers like me to disable the viewing of likes in any way?

So far, I like likes!

(If you replace “life” with “likes” in the above song, it’s awesome)

I’ve asked about that too and I don’t think anyone ever answered.