The greatest preview ever

Just have to say I doubled-taked on those quotes again and thought they were from the silly concert review I did on these boards…here.

But this guy got paid to write that Half-Life 2 stuff, and I have better grammar! :shock:


From the workers or the visitors?

Can someone tell me what makes HL2 so awesome? I watched the video and it just seems like last time only bigger. And I wasn’t impressed by the first one either.

/flamesuit 1

Well, if you weren’t impressed with Half-Life, it probably won’t impress you. But unlike DOOM 3, it’s not just about “wow” technology, but how that technology is being utilized. That’s what impressed me most with my initial demo, where I didn’t really see any gameplay.

And we’re just seeing snippets of how the physics, AI, graphics, blah blah blah, are being combined with superb art direction and a sense of flow. Half-Life probably had the best flow of any shooter, where it constantly promised “something cool” just around the corner. And unlike most games, actually delivered it.

With the Half-Life 2 demo, they showed a bunch of set pieces which would basically be the highlight of any shooter, the equivalent of the Omaha Beach scene in Medal of Honor. But all are in the same game, and in each demo, you could see that something cooler was just about to happen before they cut away.

Maybe they shot their wad with that demo, that those are the only “cool” bits in the entire game. Even if that were true, just seeing those freakin’ Striders walking through the city is enough to make me go, “Woah.” It’s great to see that sense of scale… trying to figure out how to take them out will hopefully be as entertaining as just seeing the “alien” way they navigate through the environment.

That’s absolutely horrible Tom. This is a family forum, not your intarweb pornography whore site! I’m so offended. Can a liberal sociology major come in here and tell me how this isn’t my fault please?

Two can play at that game, volatic:


Come on man, I changed like one syllable. You crafted an entire sentence from scratch and misspelled my handle. Jeesh.

I think you’re protesting too much. I think you must really like Cocktail. As in, like it so much you own a few copies. Hmm.

ObHalfLife2Ref: It was a cool demo, and certainly one of the more impressive demos at the show, but I think people were way too easily bowled over. Here’s my take. I think you have to click through the first two pages to get to the Half Life 2 stuff.


Tom are you one of the “Valorous Men of Duty called to Honor?” hehe.

and this one was cool

“Oh, and one last thing: the noise level at this year’s E3 was completely out of control. Electronic Arts was the leader of the whole unruly overloud pack in terms of ear-shredding decibel overkill. So if they ever recover their hearing, could someone tell EA we can hear their damn games just fine?”

You are so funnee! Was The Sims booth loud with all the simspeak?

BTW, I hope Halo 2 rocks… but please I hope the Xbox people make mouse keyboard substitutes… please!!!

And your article rocked mr “harvard divinity dude” freelancer, how many friggin places do you write at? whore.


This is my E3 Wrap-Up:

Personage                         Encounters on separate occasions
Jason Hall                        numerous
Tim Schafer                       3
Bruce Shelly                      2
Will Wright                       1
Peter Molyneux                    1
Derek Smart                       1
Kevin Perry                       1
Levelord                          1
Erik                              numerous
Seanbaby                          numerous
Desslock                          4
Ron Dulin                         3
Mark Asher                        2
Tom Chick                         ZERO