The Handmaid's tale - Hulu's too believable dystopia

This whole season is filler. It’s just wallowing in trauma.

Well Rory Gilmore isn’t really a Canadian citizen though, right? She had to seek asylum, along with the baby, who are both basically citizens of Gilead. It’s going to be completely annoying if she gets sent back, and yeah, the whole “revolution” angle got about a teeny bit of momentum then quickly died.

— Alan

I had hoped it was just the first episode that gave me trepidation but you called it. We’re treading water and back to things like dangerous glances and whispering. We aren’t caught up I don’t think but the whole last show we watched, the one with the baby showing that all the handmaiden’s attended, felt like I could have skipped the entire episode and not really missed any plot movement. That’s a bad sign.

Oh look, a character we just met this season did something crazy and is gone now. No main characters impacted, no impact to story, no character arc, nothing.

Season-3-itis at its worst.

Man that is not good to hear. We were going to watch the latest episode to catch up last night but skipped out on it to put a puzzle together. Probably time better spent. :)

This is a show desperately in need of a vision. I’m sure Hulu is desperate to squeeze out as many seasons as they can but they need to decide on an ending and work towards it instead of making it up as they go along, Battlestar Galactica-style.

Either ofFred finally goes too far and winds up on the hanging wall or she escapes to Canada - having her muddle on just seems like TorturePorn at this point.

Yeah, pretty much done with it now. If it gets good I’ll catch up.

We’re still behind you guys I think, but my girlfriend mentioned during the last episode we watched (the one in DC at the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument,) that there is only so many scenes she can take with Offred looking mad and saying nothing and really nothing else going on. And as soon as she said that I realized just how many scenes are setups for putting Offred in yet another horrible situation and we get to see her grimace … before moving on to the next scene and repeating that. In-between we get tiny tidbits of things in Canada or elsewhere.

The latest episode is literally 60 minutes of June looking angry into the camera. She also sings to herself a little.

Yeah, now I have that fricking song stuck in my head. How many more episodes of this?

Just watched the episode with the Aunt Lydia flashbacks. Can’t be bothered to look up the name of the episode, because it was one of the worst things I’ve seen on modern television. Holy heck what a mess this show has become. Completely aimless. All the potential of “mamma has work to do” at the end of season 2 has been completely wasted. Is anybody running this show?

Our thoughts have mostly been either it’s an obvious money grab to extend it, or the entire writing staff changed over and none of them have any idea what the plot was or should be. Either way, they are spinning wheels. This show could go out with a fierce explosion, instead it’s … going nowhere?

Tune in next week for a very special episode of June Scowls at Things!

Yeah… no. I’ve decided to stop watching this. The first two seasons were amazing, but it’s just wallowing in misery now.

The last two episodes have cranked up the pace and plot movement. Still annoying that it took 10 episodes to get here, but I’m happy to see it.

But there’s plenty of opportunity for them to reset the clock at the end of the season again and bring everyone back to where they started. Please, showrunners, give us two more good seasons after this one and call it a show. No more treading water.

This is pretty funny when you consider the book finished two seasons ago.

There’s a book sequel out soon. I wonder if they will incorporate that back into the show.

The original book had an epilogue, and the show is just working towards it. Margaret Atwood is a producer on the show so she’s assuredly guiding it in the way she intends.

The last three episodes (10-12) have really sped things up. Annoying that it took so long, but if you haven’t kept up I think you could just skip most of the previous episodes this season.

So yeah, the finale happened. If you like the show, you should watch the last four episodes of the season, because stuff happens.

I wish more people were into it so we could chat about it. Nobody I know watches anymore.

The finale was absolutely incredible IMO. Can’t wait to see where they go next.