The Identity and Value of Cleve Blakemore

Then i’m sure it won’t be long until the Aussie government places a ban on immigration. Their propensity to proactively ban all potentially harmful substances, ideas, and people without any basis in fact is laughable.

It’s puzzling why anyone would want to live there in the first place, unless they find the cradle of public good police comforting. You’d think the rest of the world would learn from our public policy mistakes, not extrapolate them into an orwellian utopia.[/i]

  1. Lowest overall megatonnage to be used guarantees your biggest threat will be background radiation, not direct blast effects.

  2. Highly technical industrialized western civilization with very advanced level of independence for post reconstruction

  3. Majority population is still human

  4. Oceans on four sides indicates reasonable defense is possible with right level of paranoia and devotion to national sovereignty

  5. Paternalistic government may not be optimum but may come in handy getting nation to selfishly guard it’s own interests instead of those championed by globalist elite

  6. Howard’s draconian legislation regarding arms is already under attack by a grass roots movement and the utter failure of the amnesty is now on display for the whole world to see. Australia has the highest rates of felony crime in the world despite a small population.

  7. No civil defense program of any kind here promises the left half of the Bell Curve will vanish like bad smelling steam when the first strike comes.

I like your posts. Many of the first 10 or 12 were classic, and even though they’ve degraded since they remain of good quality.

I’m not so much promoting Blakemore as promoting Trolling. Trolling done WELL is highly valuable, as I already pointed out by referencing my old trash talking days. Blakemore is this board’s best Troll, better by far than Huffman or Smart. So Blakemore is a pawn who is wielding a banner that is fought over.

As I previously mentioned, Blakemore is the first rabidly right-wing poster, a nice counterweight to McCullough. And therefore he finds a very important niche in the Qt3 social and issue structure. He is responsible one way or another for hermyhermit and bmulligan, although bmulligan is distancing himself from Blakemore as we speak. Not a bad idea ;).

Its hard to say how things will go for Blakemore. His stuff seems a little flat, especially considering his apparent reputation. One of my pet theories is that hermyhermit and Blakemore are the same person. Its fairly common for Trolls to use aliases to argue against themselves when others are not drawn into the conversation. Perhaps someone can say if Blakemore used aliases in the same way back in his Usenet days?

Blakemore shouldn’t have to try so hard to encourage conversation. Genetics, race, physical strength, etc. are fine topics.

This is one Troll that SHOULD be fed.

Cleve Blakemore holds the Troll banner aloft, and may he hold it proudly!

PS: My pet theory on the identity of The Narrator is DrCrypt, although I’d say that the odds of me being right on that is only maybe 25%.

PPS: I’m concerned that Tom and Mark’s campaign to marginalize Blakemore will go too far. I have a feeling there may be a Rumble Down Under… troubling brewing in the Qt3 paradise…

I suppose politics is always the final frontier.

The future should be very interesting, very interesting indeed. And now for the next episode of The Young and The Restless…

Trolling is not about being outright in the left field, which Cleve is. Trolling is about being subtle. Everyone here should know he is trolling, yet do not, or still bother to reply. Thus, the art of trolling is lost. Go read the troll black book and you might understand what trolling really is, until then, might I suggest reading up on the alt.bitterness/ wars so you can really gain a bit of an idea as to what trolling really is.

You, my friend, might just be the very best troll of them all. You are subtle, but insane. I don’t think you’re a troll, others don’t either. You’re just ‘cute’ enough in your posts to not be. But are you? Who knows. If you are, my hat goes off to you, you’re atop the list of the best I know. If not, then you’re insane mother-fucker, and you should really think about learning about trolling and maybe majoring in it.

Just a thought. Cleve’s not good, in the least. You, however, are, even if unintentionally.

Psst, hey everybody, I think Met_K is hitting on Brian Koontz…!


Fuck off, Tom. Why’d you have to go and spill the beans after I got loaded at Shoot Club last time? Shit.

Next thing you know you’ll tell everyone that I once admitted to having a secret crush on Lars, even to the point of finding him more attractive than Sparky. Those… those red eyes!…oops.

I’m very possible to understand… I leave clues all over the place.

The Sieve is one of the hallmarks of my identity. If you don’t use the sieve you poison yourself over time. I think you as a person are absolutely case-in-point… the crap of humanity has drained into you and you’ve personalized it to the point where you’re bitter at the results.

I define a Troll by what it can create when it is guided well. You define a Troll by what it can create when it runs monstrously unchecked.

I define a Troll by what it creates after the sieve has rendered it a thing of beauty.

You define a Troll by its ugly surface, by the rough edges, by the unfortunate means from which it applies itself.

My definitions and the power in which I can APPLY my definitions enable me to pursue my definitions.

And You? You stand appalled not that I would endeavor such, but that I would treat as valuable something that you, in your infinite Anti-Wisdom, can only see as ugly.

Like how you define “espouse”?


Outraged at being called out on his ignorance of the “i before e” rule, HermyHermit crafted a stunning defense. “Only the truly witless and pathetic can come up with nothing better than spelling mistakes,” he typed, punching the keys dramatically as if to drive the point home. Then he added a fat joke. “Check and mate,” he thought to himself. It was only later, reflecting on what he had typed, that he realized his retort meant exactly the opposite of what he intended. More upsettingly, he realized that it was more correct this way.

I think I love The Narrator

you really know how to hit my spot almost every time!!

the other times I just fake it.

There is no value to a troll. End of story.

The man who played Brian Koontz turned and looked in the mirror. Smiling, he asked his reflection: “How do you do it?” At the risk of being vain, he admitted to himself that “the sieve” had been a masterstroke, possibly the greatest weapon in the Koontzian arsenal since statistical analysis. He sat back and waited. But there was little response. Perhaps it was too dense? Perhaps he’d gone too far into the forest of meaninglessness? If so, all the better. The man took another long look at himself. “Wagner James Au,” he said, “you are a fucking genius.”

Can you see the doctor examining this guy after his boating accident? Shining a penlight in his eyes and speaking with his relatives?

“I regret to inform you that Brian sustained an enormous blow to his frontal lobes that has affected his speech and gait. He may speak in a very odd fashion using weird rambling malapropisms and strange alliterative run-on paragraphs. There’s nothing really we can do - a terrible bloodclot prevents us from operating, all we can hope is that it subsides in time on it’s own. Now you’re fully covered by insurance for this disability and Brian should be kept at home and get lots of rest. Do you have something to occupy him at home during his recovery, say … fingerpaints, colored blocks, perhaps internet access?”

They left Brian parked in his wheelchair with a happy grin on his face. After a few false starts on local UFO and New Age forums, Brian finally found his niche over at QT3 as official card-carrying village idiot.

This is how you fucking troll you insane fuck.

Did you ever read Adequacy? I’m no expert, but that was good. Cleve is… not so good, as Met_K points out.

Last time I heard “check and mate” was on OMM. Erik?


Did you ever read Adequacy? I’m no expert, but that was good. Cleve is… not so good, as Met_K points out.[/quote]

Met_K is a semiliterate halfwit who has never posted anything of value to this forum in his entire adult life. I don’t think Met_K is competent to judge the merits of a literary maestro like myself.

I mean, just look at this. He’s like a punching bag.

Last time I heard “check and mate” was on OMM. Erik?[/quote]

I think that’s a good fingerprint you lifted there.


I mean, just look at this. He’s like a punching bag.[/quote]

He’s just mad because Mensa keeps rejecting his membership.