The Iphone jailbreaking/unlocking thread

So…does this mean Apple is actually evil after all? ;)

#1 rule of Jailbreaking is not to upgrade to Apple’s official updates as they will almost always break whatever Jailbreak you got working.

A hardware boot ROM exploit was just released for every iOS device from the 4S through the 8/X. This means they are permanently jailbreakable and there’s no way for Apple to fix that in software.

So this is a serious security hole?

Not really because it can only be exploited over USB, not remotely.

Someone steals your phone, they can just wipe it. Anyone who gets your phone can easily break into it. This sounds bad.

Not necessarily as this doesn’t compromise the secure enclave. It’s unclear that it would even allow an attacker with physical access to wipe your phone for resale if find my phone is turned on. I expect we’ll hear more about this soon.