The Last Drive-In (Joe Bob Briggs Returns)

The only one of those I wasn’t really into was Changeling(I found it pretty boring). I find the JBB off-topic rants pretty charming, since it reminds me of hanging with some of my family. I do agree that his movie trivia bits are much better.

Is that the George C. Scott Changeling? Because yeah, I like that movie but it’s definitely a slow burn.

That’s the one. I’ve seen it before, or at least half of it, so I was curious to see the whole thing, especially since it’s considered a classic. It was slow though, especially coming after DEATHGASM. Bourbon didn’t help ; )

Oh totally, but my wife and I watch together, and sometimes it can be a little rough like when he’s bemoaning the removal of strip clubs from expense accounts ; )

Haha, too true. I’ve found Joe Bob’s politics to be a bit like shaking a magic 8 ball.

An @tomchick favorite, House of the Devil, was given its proper due on this week’s Last Drive In.

Best one yet.

Season 2 is a go!

The show seemed to be really popular, but I was a little worried that I was only seeing that through my own taste bubble. I’m glad it’s going to be back either way. :)