The Last of Us 2 - Hopefully Ellie Can Swim Now

I actually love the gameplay loop in TLoU1 - the stealth, the weapon/customization, the crazy enemies and the amazing environments followed by scavenging and crafting super fun tools for your toolbox were great for me. This has even more of that, and then some.

The biggest get for me is one of the accessibility options - these are absolutely incredible, and it seems turning them on/off doesn’t impact trophies either. I am only using one right now, but it’s a game changer. I have it set to slow down time while aiming, and it’s made the game twice as fun - previously I was enjoying everything except when I had to shoot something, even with the aim sensitivity up I am just terrible at using a controller to aim a weapon, I’m more a mouse/keyboard guy, but with this feature turned on it has become not just workable, but enjoyable. Here is an example I recorded: