The Last Shitshow, or the second Trump-Biden 'debate'

ABC had me going too because they listed a time for their “Debate Preview Coverage!!1!”

Yeah, an hour of talking heads first.

hard pass

So I’ll probably game on one monitor while I stream the debate on the second, and I’m trying to think of an appropriately titled game from my backlog to play while it’s on. For the last debate it was probably something like Rage, but for this one maybe State of Decay? Agents of Mayhem? I don’t have Wreckfest, but it seems appropriate.

What am I saying? No one in their right mind plays Agents of Mayhem…


Nice Chick troll.

I’m playing Watchdogs 2 right now. Missed it first pass.

My plan is to do some Hades runs, and check in each time I die. Thank you, kind souls, for the live snark. You do the rest of us a real service.

Just posting this because I liked it.

Who here is actually watching. I need to know who to send drugs to.

You guys are masochists.

What was the fucking point of it then if it is only for the beginning?

Fucking half measures. They don’t want to scare off the stable genius.

FWIW, I don’t remember my dad ever hugging me or telling me he loved me. It was understood. I knew he loved me, and I loved him but it was never out loud. This was back in the 60’s and 70’s when “real men” didn’t do such things.

My best friends dad, though, always hugged both his sons and told him he loved them, and occasionally would kiss 'em on the cheek. I can tell you right now that without a doubt my best friend is a much better man than I am.

I’ll be watching this sober.


I also grew up in the 60s and 70s. But we are a Sicilian family. There was much hugging and kissing and such.

My dad was the most capable man I ever knew. And one of the very smartest. (he was a physicist, one of the experts on superconductors in the '70s-'90s. The only man I’ve ever known who I thought was smarter was a friend of his, also a physicist, originally from China then Taiwan, who fled from the Japanese as a child in WW2) He wasn’t the hugging/ kissing guy, either, but he clearly loved his family. Maybe he should have been more of a huggy guy.

BTW, the photo of Joe kissing Hunter Biden is from a 2016 story from Popular Mechanics that was done shortly after the death of Beau Biden, and was focused on how these two dealt with loss.

I was about to say that same thing (Sorry, Tom!). And WD2 is an excellent choice.