The Leftovers is Incredible Television

I can’t stop watching, either.

It’s crazy that Justin Thereoux is acting his ass off this season, and yet he’s also the guy who wrote Tropic Thunder and 2oolander.

Holy Shit. That was the last thing that I expected.

Still no reaction to last night?

can’t spoil it

That was one of the most stunning twists on TV this year, and it was delivered perfectly.

Just caught up. Man, this is a really well-made show. I’m not even sure I like the subject matter or the show’s deliberate ambiguity - especially since while I didn’t watch Lost beyond a few episodes at the start, I generally viewed it with derision – but man, I’m just constantly amazed at how well made Leftovers is.

The writing is so tight, and its plotting is so clever – a script for an episode of The Walking Dead reads like a “first draft” of a story, or something written without a script-editor’s oversight - while every script of the Leftovers reads like it’s about draft 15, after it’s been ruthlessly assessed and culled down and then refined to both fit the season goal perfectly, further reveal backstory or characters, and also provide a concise, economical, entertaining episode - which also has exceptional dialogue scripting.

Add to that the amazing acting and overall production values - HBO is really hitting it out of the park between this and GoT. They’re both just much better made shows than anything else available, by a clear margin, even if I have other personal favorites over the Leftovers.

So yeah, WH - great episode. And didn’t see it either. Until Matt showed up, I thought we were still watching past events, prior to the earthquake that started the season (and might be getting a reveal related to that event).

I’ve never liked Liv Tyler in anything…really didnt like her on this show in season one…and was dreading this last episode.

Forget about it…she was great. Menacing, psychotic, just her staring over and over without saying a word spoke volumes.

Love this show. Please, please make a 3rd season!

Pretty great finale. Karaoke scene and its predecessor were probably my favorites.

I will say this for the show: it consistently has kept me on my toes. It always zigs when I think it’s going to zag, and for that it has earned my love. I have a sneaking suspicion that were I to rewatch knowing what I know my feelings might not be so positive, but enough of that - I come to praise the Leftovers and to bury it, since I suspect we’ll be getting cancellation news soon. Farewell, you crazy show - you were better than your audience could have expected.

Best summing up exchange between characters -

John: I don’t know what’s happening.
Kevin: Neither do I.

This show is 2nd only to Fargo. Amazing, amazing, amazing.

Why do you think it will be canceled? It’s fucking awesome. No way they cancel it.

Because nobody is watching it.

I think it’s likely to be cancelled - its ratings weren’t great in the 1st season, but that’s not unusual for HBO. It is unusual for them to decline significantly in season 2, which they did.

It’s essentially the same final note as the first season finale, when they also didn’t know if they’d be renewed in production. Made me happy.

Well that sucks.

There’s a possibility HBO will bring it back as a vanity show based on the strength of this season’s reviews. It should make a lot of year-end best of lists.

Oh hey, I’m wrong. Downside, the 3rd season will be its last. Upside is, they get to wrap it up on their own terms. Good for HBO giving them that opportunity.

Sad that this will definitely be the final season, but getting even that and giving the showrunners the opportunity to actually plan for an ending is a real gift to us. Ironically, I wouldn’t be surprised if the ending they produce is less satisfying than the 2 they came up with when they were uncertain if the show was done or not.

I don’t get it. Here’s a show about people living after some other people “departed”. You see people in this town, then in the next season some people in another town. It’s very interesting and enjoyable watching.

Then there’s a point in the second season when they rub out the line they’ve drawn in terms of a believable world and just write any old shit. It’s the same weak nonsense Lost pulled. The story ramps up to a point where the writers can’t work out how to make it continue, so they go fantastical and it no longer makes sense.

What a disappointment. I knew the writing was on the wall as soon as I saw the near full episode dream sequence. 99% of dream sequences I see in TV shows are near meaningless nonsense which add nothing for me as a viewer.

If I had to recommend this show to anyone, I’d say stop watching as soon as the lead actor dies, because after that point it’s all nonsense.

This is now on DVD via Netflix so I have been watching. Episodes 5, 6, 7 (second disk) were really, really good to me. I did enjoy season one except the last episode. Hope this seasons ends better.

The third and final season will not air this year. As Game of Thrones is moving to summer, it will air in Spring 2017.

That sucks

The entire premise is that a supernatural event has occurred, so exploring that isn’t as incongruent as you suggest.