The Long Dark (aka Gah...Wolves!)

I live up in the Sierras most of the year and last weekend we had a blizzard (15" of snow in the flattest spots, drifts over two feet). This inspired me to fire up post-redux story mode this week. It is indeed much improved. I’ve just made it to the part of chapter 2 where you need to repair the boar spear and the extra characters and voice over make a real difference.

Also since everyone who has played this game has probably spent an inordinate amount of time watching virtual hares hop across the screen, for comparison here’s a real one from the security camera on my road.

I’m on the edge of the wilderness so there are hares, and bears (but no wolves, just coyotes) passing through my property and in front of the camera on a regular basis. I can’t help but look at this now and not mentally line up a shot.