The Man in the High Castle (Amazon streaming)

So one of Amazon’s recent pilots is for an adaptation of Philip K Dick’s “The Main in the High Castle.” I haven’t read the novel before (although I now intend to!) but had heard some good things about this show. The premise is a “What If” world where Japan and Nazi Germany won WW2 and now control the United States.

This pilot was incredible. Excellent production and world building detail, good writing, and decent acting. It’s a pilot, so things may be tweaked later of course, but I was really impressed. The story follows two people - a guy in Nazi controlled America (East of the Rockies) and the other a woman in Japan controlled San Francisco. I don’t want to give much away to potential viewers, but there is an interesting twist/possible sci-fi thing introduced as well.

I really hope this gets picked up for a full season. I haven’t been this impressed with a show in a long while. Check it out here:

The other thread is very spoiler heavy, by the way.

Doh sorry for the dupe.