The mental effects of Corona

If we ever got the ‘stay in the house, no exceptions’ order, as my offshore Indian teammates did this morning, I would be climbing the walls as you are.

I feel for anyone with high socialization needs these days.

I’m doing well, but I would struggle if I literally couldn’t leave the house. Just getting out to drive to get gas or take a walk around the block goes far for me.

I’ve been doing more voice chat while gaming with friends across the country who are similarly cooped up, strengthening some relationships there, which has been a consolation.

The family is also making Lego stop motion movies together and watching some must-see movies together. We’ve arranged a couple of hand-written pen pal relationships for our older children which has been fun for them.

Ive done this a few times just to break the stir crazy. Just hop in the car and go for a drive. Still distancing only mobile.

We’re doing ok. The GF and her daughter tend to be stay-at-home types unless there’s a social gathering the daughter heads off to, those of which no longer happen. I’ve seen days where the daughter spends all day on the computer, never getting out of her jammies.

I am looking forward to working from home. It will be something different. I am the one who likes to get out of the house so I will be the one going stir-crazy. I can walk the dog at least, weather providing. Today it didn’t, rainy and cold.

When it gets a bit warmer I may head to the tennis courts and hit against the backboard. It will be a modicum of exercise and no one else should be around.

Err, how is anyone supposed to eat under those circumstances?

I’m told from people abroad they are getting one day to leave their house, to the store and back, that’s it… select day of the week for the household.

Yeah, in this case Sunday was a one day no exceptions order from Modi. Tomorrow is not in the house only, but limited.

Why a one day ‘you shall not pass’ order? No idea.

Huh, yeah, I don’t see the logic of that. If anything it’s just going to put more people in the grocery stores at the same time, right?

I don’t think that’s how it’s working out in practice. I don’t recall if they said they had a specific time or anything, but it’s not everyone at once.

Remember they shifted to this because the efforts they tried, kind of like the ones the various states were doing, proved not good enough. Too many people simply don’t follow instructions.

I don’t know, between the begging on Facebook for freezers, the sale of liquor… not thinking people are calming down at all. It’s like we got one group just trying to fill free standing freezers full of a $1000 of food and another group that gets mad because someone told them not to keep their family dinner nights and it’s all overblown.

I guess the people in-between are just trying to do what is best for everyone and arguing over whether or not to follow licensed professionals or whether something feels like it should matter or not.

I believe our state is about to see an expansion of restrictions tomorrow that some will simply ignore like they did the last ones.

All the gloomy stories about this are starting to wear on me. There’s little I can do besides try to keep me and mine safe and cut down on spending. I know the latter isn’t the best for the economy but my company sells a luxury travel product so I’m concerned.

“I can’t believe this is happening” goes through my head 100 times a day, after every distraction ends.

A friend posted this and it might help some people here

I had a nice talk with my sister yesterday, who is in a bit of a panic mode. She is doing all the right things but emotionally she was simply worrying about too much. I told her pretty much what that poster does. Dont worry about the what the rest of the world is doing. There is nothing you can do about it. Hunker down with your family and take the necessary precautions. Follow the guidelines that the experts at the CDC and the WHO recommend. Focus on what you have control over, stay informed through legitimate sources and don’t read all of the bullshit on social media because most of it is exactly that, bullshit.

I’ve heard in Spain family members are taking it in turns to walk the dogs.

So everyone gets some time out from the rest.

Dogs must be soooooooo confused and happy right now.

Cats must be sooooo confused and pissed off with the weak humans, probably suffering under the stress of having to teach these weak humans how to hunt (this is why cats bring you dead animals. They’re telling you you’re a hit hunter so have some food. )

If someone dies because they don’t do this basic thing, I just don’t see how looking back and wondering if we pushed hard enough would’ve made a difference jives with any kind of peace of mind. That’s the problem with this happiness sphere approach
… if your mom is in the hospital trying to draw breath through lungs that feel like barbed wire… is the thought at the time, I do me and you do me… is that really going to console anyone?

Who would’ve thought that cherry picking CDC guidance would be a thing in the middle of a pandemic anyway? If I live through this, I won’t forget that.

So I talked to my team and it is expanded. Only one person per household out at a time, and only for essentials (pharmaceuticals or groceries). So yeah, a one day crank up, extended with some limits.

I see. I think Nesrie was saying that places were assigning different days to different households in some places, which I guess would also make sense.

We’ve got some supplies but I’ve never been a horder or a durvivalist, I wouldn’t want the situation to deteriorate to the point where we couldn’t get groceries or deliveries at all. But, while that situation would make us very uncomfortably, it would outright kill a lot of people who have either limited means or limited mobility and the like, so I trust it won’t come to that.

Are you using voice chat? Use voice chat and play an interactive game like an MMO or a board game.

I just shop sales, so if there is a deal on 3 packets of TP at target, I buy it. This means at any given time I usually have 3mos-year of just basic things.

The people buying free-standing freezers and filling it with a 2 years worth of frozen meat… there’s no reason to believe that is necessary. The essential supply lines are still functioning. That’s just panic. Also, many of us can sustain on things in the cupboard, even if it’s not our favorite meals.

The hardest hit are going to be those that just buy food week to week because… that’s what they can afford. That group needs help… yesterday, and it’s frustrating that’s not happening.

My neighborhood has a neighborhood watch program so at least we’re all on that, and the lead has reminded anyone to reach out with any needs they can’t fulfill. It helps having the remote but local connection… really does.

Voice and video chat. It’s genuinely not the same for my crazy brain. It helps, don’t get me wrong. But sigh :(