The movie frame game 20:20

Sweet. I need to watch those old Hammers again. Cool movies.


OK, 40:

The World According to Garp?

Ding ding! Winner.

Gah. I was on the right street, wrong block! :)

I think that diner scene scarred me as a child, I just didn’t quite get what was going on. I think seeing a grown man’s utter shame and embarrassment shorted out something in my brain.

Anyway, I’m traveling so I defer my turn to someone else. You pick 'em, Charm.

Okay, since you waited until I returned home, 20:20:

The hair didn’t get it, eh? This won’t help, I’ll put up the 60:60 in a short while. 40:40:

Near Dark?

Nope, it is clearly the middle of the day. (not Near Dark)

Okay, this one has a bit more to chew on. 60:60:

Children of the Corn?


I’m feeling lucky, so I’m going to guess MacGyver: Trail to Doomsday.

Should I just post the next 20:20 right away, or do I need to wait for confirmation?

You are uncanny, sir! I dub thee He Who Guesses Without Good Frames. Only an 80:80 remained, where they’re prepping molotovs:

Actually it was the dried corn stalks, and the general feeling of “80’s horror movie”.

New 20:

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that, but I couldn’t say for the life of me what it actually is.

Well, here’s another chance to remember:

Edit: Nevermind…noticed the cell phone. Looks familiar though.

I wonder how Bill Murray would feel if he knew that I thought that was him in that swimming picture at first. Hmm.

It’s not. But is it…Jack Goes Boating?


P.S. I heart Amy Ryan.