The movie frame game 20:20







Argo has quickly become one of my favorite recent movies. It’s one of those films (along with Pitch Perfect and Aliens among others) that I will stop and watch if I see it while flipping through the channels.

On the off-chance that I would win one of these things while at work, I have one queued up. Probably pretty easy. The 20:20

Looks like the Dawn of the Dead remake. I remember that guy.

Jake Weber, yeah. He’s been in a ton of stuff, but I only ever recognize him from Dawn. Take the littoral mollusc carapace and go.

I love those Argo shots. The 20 is very distinctive once you realize what it is, but all the shots are so interesting, with no big stars giving it away until the final images.

That was a pretty fucked-up shot of Sarah Polley, poor woman.

Probably an easy one:

True Grit?

Not that, no.

The Searchers?

Rio Bravo, my favorite John Wayne movie. Dean Martin as the has-been drunk (Gene Wilder channeled a lot of it in Blazing Saddles) and Ricky Nelson as the aw-shucks kid. It has probably my favorite musical number in any film ever when Dean sings “My Rifle, Pony and Me.” It’s like an album, if you want a definitive movie from Wayne’s career that reflects a particular stage of his development, this is it. That stage being big-budget cowboy movies where he’s in full swagger and having some fun with it.

The first few lines are a great example of why Dean Martin was one of the best singers ever. Bourbon-laced honey.

Is it Rio Bravo?

Edit: Oiy! But if I had to be foiled, at least it was by someone who was sure of the name of the movie and had a YouTube to match. Get it Houngan!

It is Rio Brave. “My Rifle, Pony and Me” is indeed awesome. Worth watching just for that, if it weren’t already one of the best John Wayne performances ever.

Also for seeing the difference between Dean and Ricky. It’s like foie gras vs. McDonalds. Let me peruse a bit, I would throw up a screen from Her Master’s Voice but since documentaries are off-limits I’ll search a bit.

I’m not sure if this is up, I’m in my cups and really enjoyed this movie:

Now You See Me!

I got one, I got one!

So it is, have at it Sharaleo!

Alrighty! This could be a tough one!


Hey, it’s The Governor from Walking Dead during his “stumbling around with a beard” phase.
