The NEW NEW animated-GIF thread in which posts without animated GIFs will be deleted!







“You’re never alone. You’re never disconnected.”

“Cuz evry porta-riccan’s a lousy chicken!”

Damn that brings back memories. I was in the play twice, JHS and HS. First time I was Bernardo. Second time I was Lt. Schrank and Sgt. Krupke because the guy that was supposed to play Krupke couldn’t memorize his lines. So I read both while he stood next to me looking dumb.

Whoa! How cool!

This was one of my favorite experiences as an actor. Playing Riff in a production of this play. Also one of my most embarrassing for two reasons.

  1. Our Tony was an amazing singer/actor who happened to be black, and so I suggested to the director that we change the dialogue from him being a Pole to being a Black. Which was stupid. The director went all, “Nope. That’s dumb.” And he was right. I was thinking in terms of my own heritage but really I was just being racist. Thankfully I grew out of that.

  2. During the “Cool” scene dance I was out front, with my fly down. Dark pants and white underwear underneath. Real cool, Dingus. I realized it during a spin move in the dance and zipped up quickly early in the number. A friend said his mother was impressed with this when she saw the production, because I did it casually and kept on with the number. But still…what a dork.




Did I hear pirates?
