The NEW NEW animated-GIF thread in which posts without animated GIFs will be deleted!

Steering probably broke, the left tire tries to turn, but the car just goes forward and they weren’t going very fast. Plus it looks like a rally car so they probably sheared an axle at some point or the like.

I could post these all day.

Those are both great!
Top: Me playing DiRT Rally on a bad day.
Bottom: Me playing DiRT Rally on a really good day.

My usual state is one of perpetual disaster recovery, kind of like this guy…

Watched this again with my kids. I love this movie.

I dunno. Seems like it’s just a totally repetitive story with no sort of satisfactory conclusion.duckduckgo

I have no idea what we’re talking about right now.


As if the movie was the entire gif. See? See? Hello? Anyone? Bueller?

I did something like this once on an icy bridge when I was a teenager. OMG I was so lucky!


Oh, I got it. I found the ambiguity amusing and thought the dude would keep it that way. Obviously i was over doing it.

Here’s another lovely Miyazaki gif to make up for it


Love that movie and that scene in particular!

Also, gif:

Could someone enlighten me, which movie is being referenced here? I gather its a Miyazaki?

It’s Spirited Away

For @JoshL


“Dammit! You never leave a man behind!”