The October 15th Town Halls

Savannah Guthrie is great calling Trump on his bullshit.

Yeah, the Trump townhall is great to watch if you want to see someone moderate and fact check in real time.

Trump argle bargles about masks not being important. “I read a report about masks…”

“I read the same report. The report isn’t even ABOUT masks.”

Joe is talking in depth, but the question on whether he’s earned the black vote, I think he strayed way too far away from Blacks with all his programs and he went on & on. George had to ask “did you get what you wanted” and he said “I think so” but then Joe goes on & on again. It feels like he’s trying to hit all his talking points instead of just being more focused on the question.

Don’t watch Trump, because if he gets bad ratings it will be awesome

Again, if you watch Trump via TV, unless you’re a metered Nielsen family, it really doesn’t matter.

Wow, lady asks about Joe’s support of 1994 crime bill and he just goes into huge amount of pros/cons and takes ownership of some things. I was really impressed by his statements on Feds vs States.

I don’t think Biden is perfect in every answer, but comparing his answers to DJT’s is like comparing a tangerine to a gorilla turd. Biden is ready for this, and is doing well.

❤️ The Nuzzi ❤️


Holy shit, this QAnon bit is amazing. I don’t know anything about QAnon! But I totally know they’re against pedophilia - they fight against it very hard!

And powerfully.

I’m extremely underlevered!

Biden fumbled the police question, but I already knew he would.

Just stopped watching shitgibbon. And I don’t need to watch Biden. Pretty simple, no?

Guthrie: “You have been in office for almost 4 years, you had both houses of Congres, Senate and House, in Republican hands and there is not a replacement yet for ACA…The promise was repeal and replace.”


Huh, that’s weird. I assumed they were being ratings on the actual viewing data coming from all the cable boxes for cable viewers, since they know what channel you have tuned.