The official Journey review FAQ

Just my two cents, but if you truely stood by your "review" then you wouldn't feel the need to justify it. Obviously this isn't the case...

I said I wasn't gonna respond anymore, but I was curious to see how people might have taken my comment. Then I read this.

You're making an accusation of subjectivity. POINT IT OUT. Chris hasn't said a single thing wrong. He's been more objective in his dislike of the review than the review, itself, was.

You could think of opinions as guesses. Subjective opinions are akin to wild stabs in the dark based on virtually nothing. They might as well be gut instinct. Objective opinions are more like hypotheses: educated guesses taking facts into account. One of these is perfectly acceptable when people want something to rely on. The other is not.

Care to guess which is which?

I'm impressed by your steadfastness, but when the time comes to have your head removed from your ass, you're going to feel pretty regretful about lodging it so far up.

They're both indie games, in the fact they produce games which are sometimes risky,new, fresh and interesting. The great thing is indie developers are often limited by their budget but by being backed by bigger companies they can produce games that they wouldn't have been able to create otherwise.

They're all still indie games just without limitation and as a result we're being treated to some amazing new games which might have not otherwise been created.

If an indie game recieved a large sum of money from kick starter it'll still be an indie game.

"If you want objective reviews, try IGN. I hear they’re very good at that sort of thing", is that a sly dig at their reviews that stem from personal bias?

An objective review is one where you appreciate finer points of the game then procceding to trash it, followed by a couple of mentally shallow fans protecting you, oh wait wrong place to post.

This is just great. I think it's brilliant there's actually someone that's willing to lay into games. I'm tired of all the childish over-excited hyperbole videogame journalists are so infamous for. Keep up the good work Tom.

Tome CHicita sucks.

Personally, I think "taking into account what others would feel" makes for presumptuous and arrogant reviewing, like someone speaking for another person or group of people. But maybe that's my opinion on the matter.

You forgot another one, Tom. I only list this because I notice people on our site bring it up now and then:
Q: Why isn't Tom a staff member at HonestGamers anymore? Was he fired there too?
A: He was never a staff member there, but a freelancer. So no, he wasn't "fired," he just hasn't posted there recently.

Well, I was under the impression that a review was supposed to inform the reader on whether or not a game would be worth THEIR time, not the reviewer's. If that is so, then it's pretty hard to give an accurate review of the game if you're going in with a bunch of preconceived notions and a mind already made up.

An open mind is absolutely a must for a quality reviewer to have, and is even more important in a genre-defying game like this one. But Chick lacks that, and every line in his review says as much.

Who ultimately decides whether or not a game is worth someone's time, the critic or the reader? I'd like to think the latter. And they can glean that by reading about the experiences of others.

I don't know about anyone else, but if ever I use reviews to decide whether or not I bother with something, I read more than one. I also like to read a wide range of them, especially if it's a AAA title. For the most part, I don't want to read a bunch of fluff and guesses as to whether or not I'll like a game; I can decide that myself. I want to read what the critic thought about the experience and what he liked and didn't like. For the most part, I can tell if I'll like a game even if the reviewer didn't like it, and vice versa.

Read some of the supporting comments here and on the original article. I doubt highly that these individuals are capable of thinking for themselves.

And while that doesn't inherently directly affect me, leaving the situation as-is is not in my best interest.

Are you the same Jason Lutes who creates comics?

Man I don't know how many times I've read this FAQ. So so good :)