The Outer Worlds - Obsidian's Fallout New Vegas in Space

Those is what I was wondering. I think I heard that Microsoft isn’t publishing this game, even though they now own the company, because of deals made before the purchase? But it would still be weird to give the have exclusivity to another distribution platform. I mean, I don’t care- I’m playing on Xbox, so this whole PC storefront thing is just me watching from the sidelines.

Holy shit. That would drive me crazy.

Let me just take this opportunity to point out that Devil May Cry 5 is available on Steam!

It’s a great choice for anyone looking to add to their collection.

Nice, can’t wait to buy this and then launch it from its icon on my desktop.

This one hurts. Sleeping this thread until 2020!

You can also pin it to the EPIC jump list, if you like to pin things to your task bar to keep your Desktop empty, like Wallpapers intended. :)

The Outer Worlds is now a 2020 release.

That is kind of a bummer.

I think I don’t like either of those things. I don’t like this epic exclusive thing much… but as I consider it with my subconscious like in “Blindsight” I am not sure why. Grrr!

We’ll try to be careful with spoilers while you spend a year with your head in the sand.

At least everyone who wants to boycott EGS can buy Outer Worlds on the Windows Store.

If they’re willing to use Windows 10.

Good luck avoiding it for more than another year.

It’s trivial, but really, Mac and Linux exist, all dozens of us. And Windows 8.1 isn’t anywhere near as awful for another 3 years.

Nobody here needs another game. We can all sustain ourselves off our backlog – probably for tens of years. So avoiding any particular game is really not hard.

Yeah…Not hard. At all. I rarely buy games at launch + backlog. It is less about not supporting EGS then it is knowing it will be released on Steam.

I could probably live keep living on PDX published games + mods until I die, so I can certainly wait until something emulates it. I’m more worried for Obsidian, but by the time I get to my backlog/replay of their games, something else will come along.
The Cult of the New can bite it.

Really? :) There only a few games I feel the need to play at launch, and those are almost all multiplayer. Single player games can wait. 18 months after release, they’re fully patched and on sale.

In the meantime, my backlog shall sustain me!

I think Scott was talking about Windows 10, which will be a bit more difficult if exploits for 7 keep being found.

I guess I just don’t get the hate for EGS. I’d rather have 12% of the price going to the middleman than 30 or 40%, whichever Steam was for smaller developers, I forget.

I’ll grant that it is an annoyance having another launcher but I’ll put up with it if more money goes to the developer and in the long run hopefully I get more games I want because my favorite studios don’t go under.

That said, these days I rarely buy a game at launch anyway so I can totally see waiting for it to come to Steam and getting it cheaper.

It would be great if the Epic store discussion could happen in the Epic thread :/