The Outer Worlds - Obsidian's Fallout New Vegas in Space

That’s how I played. I did find I went through the heavy ammo enough so I had to be careful and buy some. I needed to make sure I used light and energy guns enough too so I would have the heavy stuff when I really needed it.

It’s easy to burn heavy ammo with assault rifles since they all use it, but otherwise ammo is nearly infinite as far as I saw. I considered myself “low on ammo” if I had under 1000 rounds of something, which is… not remotely low really.

I honestly forgot ammo was a thing. I think in my head I thought of it as infinite. LOL.

At the start of the game, I was worried. But, not any longer.

I haven’t stolen or bought anything and I had 1000+ by the time I reached Monarch.

From the Take Two earnings call:

Glad to see the game performed so well.

I have been using heavy weapons like the light machine gun or heavy machine gun. I was on that part of the quest where you needed 10k to buy the monarch license, and I only had like 2k cash. I was playing with companions. Also my guns are low level for the enemies, but all the vending machines just sell low level crap. Ie: my gun is level 6 but I am like level 12. I keep hitting up the vendors, but its just all crap the same level I have.

Also I do use the time dialation thing, but that runs out almost instantly with these guns. Its like 3 bullets and I am out of time dialation. Then I need to shoot like another 30 to kill one dude and there are like 5 dudes to deal with.

You can Tinker up the level of a gun, but only to like five above your level I think. It gets…expensive, too.

It does get expensive and my cash reserves are really low. I may have painted myself into a corner. I put the game down for now. Maybe in a month or two Ill try another run and use long guns instead of heavy weapons.

My go to weapons were a heavy pistol and a shock assault rifle, later supplemented by a Dead Eye. That was pretty much it, though I toted a shotgun when I had a decent one for dealing with random critters.

Why not just use a different weapon for a time until you get a better heavy one? You should have decent enough scores in the other skills as well. No need to restart really.

That will resolve the companions dying bug. Nice.

I’m at Scalla doing the final “trippy” part of Vicar Max’s story but keep having the game crash on me. This is the only time the games crashed and I’ve verified the integrity of the game files. Can’t continue cause I can’t get back to the ship, looks like I’m just going to have to wait until the patch or restore a previous save and avoid this quest.

Had a bit of time to play yesterday, got my crew now up to 3 people with the addition of a sawbones.

I wrapped it up just now, about 21 hours on my save game and 23 hours on record. Overall I give it a B+ and have to say I really did enjoy my time in this world! It’s gorgeous, which helps, and the gunplay and moment to moment action felt awesome, which was key. I would have liked a little more variety in the companion perks, and more interesting character perks (I often couldn’t decide what to pick because nothing seemed all that useful/good). There is too much loot in the game - there is a wide variety of weapons but for all that I found what worked early and upgraded it with Tinker and used only a few different weapons through the game. Probably too much loot laying around in general. But I was playing on a mix of Hard/Normal so if I wanted more of a challenge I would have gone Super Nova. Maybe next time.

I got a fantastic ending, I’m very pleased with how the end-game went for me, and I really dug the characters and most of the quests were fun or interesting in some way. Great game, will play again some day! Hopefully after some DLC…

Obsidian needs to get their loot system together I recall Dungeon Siege 3 (which was underrated, a pretty solid title) had an overabundance of useless loot.

There was rarely an item that was an overall improvement, more like here’e an extra point or percentage here, but we’re taking it out of this other skill that may also be useful to your class/build.

I’m in the middle of questing in Monarch and loot fatigue is starting to set in. However, my melee guy has just discovered the flamethrower and that has jazzed me up for the time being!

I got to Byzantium and the abundance of loot starts to parody itself. Who just leaves ammo boxes on the side of the street?

This is where it really doesn’t fit the environment.

I want to talk to the “loot placement designer”. You’re in a metropolitan city with shops and vending machines every ten feet…do we also really need ammo and weapon cache crates that look like they fell out the back of a dirty cargo freighter also sprinkled around town mucking up the idyllic township?

I was kinda thinking twice about this purchase. Especially during the ridiculously long download. But since I got it I’m really enjoying my (short) time playing it.