The Outer Worlds - Obsidian's Fallout New Vegas in Space

Aye, this is me also. It felt like a fisher price ‘My first RPG’ bright, colorful and well polished, but shallow and unengaging.

It actually struck me as exactly what you get when a game is produced competently by a committee, but no one is actually passionate about the project. Everyone understands what the game needs to be to be successful, and they make it down the checklist, but it just comes out feeling very sterile. Playable, moderately enjoyable, and lacking anything to make it memorable.

Great game, cant wait for the DLC. The best RPG of 2019 for me.

I’ve described it as competently forgettable.

I’d put it well above Dungeon Siege 3, NWN2: Zehir, the NWN2 base game, and South Park.

Clearly inferior to NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer, KOTOR2, F:NV, and Pillars 1 and 2. But that’s a high bar as those are all on my list of best CRPGs of all time.

Still haven’t played Tyranny or Alpha Protocol. Own both, in the log that is back.

Really, they are that good? I’ve never played them.

I agree with @stusser fwiw. Pillars 1 & 2 really are that good. If you like CRPG’s Baldurs Gate style Pillars is gonna make you very happy.

Totally agree with @stusser and @Rod_Humble about the PoE games. They are top tier RPGs in that style for me, and some of my most played RPGs in recent years. Far and away better than The Outer Worlds, although it’s a fine game for what it does.

Yeah, it’s a huge shame that Pillars 2 didn’t sell well enough to warrant a sequel. Loved it.

@stusser needs to play Alpha Protocol. Top tier Obsidian but there are also the detractors that hate it. They are super wrong.

I think the biggest problem with Outer Worlds is the main story is sort of missing early plot pieces. They had to cut a whole planet and the areas on Terra 2 supposedly use to, or planned on being all inter-connected like how they are on Monarch…just one giant map.

Pillars 2 and Kingmaker are the best “old school” RPGs atm. I know lots of people love Original Sin 1 and 2 but for me the combat mechanics, classes, stats etc. are vastly superior in the first games I mentioned.

As for Outer Worlds, meh. They didn’t add anything cool to the Bethesda recipe, it feels like I’ve played it before so I quit after about 10 hours.

It often felt like both sides the game too with the quests. Many of choose to help X or Y could be solved with compromise helping both which seemed like the best outcome.

Sort of. Best is relative. The compromised outcomes are not always non-violent.

If I replay the game, I’m going crazed psycho-murderer who immediately turns in Rick. The idea is the character is a stowaway on the ship…or replaced someone of import by killing them and stealing their identity.

The world interactivity of DOS counted for a lot with me. I liked Pillars but for some reason burned out on it at the 2/3rds mark. Still haven’t given Pathfinder: Kingmaker the proper college try.

Yeah the random loot chase can be a bit tedious especially when it’s just percent changes. There’s been a few games that have started to embrace the less but more meaningful loot philosophy, usually find this in the Souls games and their clones so the From Software games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne and the ones they inspire like Remnant: from the Ashes. Some of those still do the percentage grind like Nioh and I think The Surge.

Alpha Protocol was Obsidian’s best independent game. Problems (as usual for Black Isle) with bugs and production and balance and things like that, but still the best of their projects.

In comparison, PoE bored me. Too dull, too generic, and too old-fashioned. Not horrible, but it didn’t move me.

Outer Worlds was okay, but too much of a weak riff on Fallout, too snide, and too thin a world because the storytelling made me despise pretty much all the groups and factions and just want to tear everything down because everyone was being so incredibly childish and stupid.

Kind of like real life :) Sorry couldn’t resist :)

The groups were rather two dimensional, but many of the characters had depth. Honestly i felt it reflected the current world in many ways. Thus enjoyed it maybe more than i should have

I agree, a few of the characters really were pretty good. But good in spite of their factions or alignments.

So I bought the Expansion Pass on EGS since I had a $10 coupon (making it $14.99 for both Peril On Gorgon and the next expansion slated for mid-2021). Fired up Outer Worlds and saw a little pop up graphic on the main page letting me know Peril On Gorgon was loaded and available. Fired up my most recent save (from quite some time ago) and got ready to dive in…

…and was presented with the end game sequence and credits all over again, followed by no way to seemingly access the new content. Uhhhh…

Turns out Peril On Gorgon is meant to be accessed near the mid-point of the main campaign. It is meant for characters in the level 20-25 range who have completed the Radio Free Monarch quest string in the main campaign (and thus acquired Nyoka as a companion, though it’s not required to bring her along for Peril on Gorgon, you can take whatever companions you wish). So for players like me, who had finished Outer Worlds, you need to scroll back through your saves and look for the manual save point that the game prompted you to create just before disembarking at Tartarus for the final quest. It should be labeled “Point of No Return”.

Loading that save, then flying to any other location (even just changing docking pads on Monarch) will kick off Peril on Gorgon with an interaction with a parcel delivery ship that brings you a special delivery, which when opened launches the quest string. Players who previously completed the game can then simply enjoy the new content right away, and players who are still working on the main questline can choose to experience the events in Peril on Gorgon at any time thereafter.

I only have a little less than an hour invested in Peril on Gorgon thus far, but already it is more of what I liked about Outer Worlds with interesting NPCs, an intriguing story and the promise of plenty of exploration, action and hilarious banter with my companions along the way.

Looking forward to reading your impressions of the DLC as you make your way through.