The race to register Jenny's number in Dota 2 begins now

Ranked match eligibility in Dota 2 will require a valid phone number beginning in May.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Assuming people don’t just get to put in a random number, this seems like it will ensure that both ranked and unranked are full of people being dicks. The indiscriminately abusive people may get forced out of ranked into unranked, while ranked will still be full of MMR obsessed people berating you for playing wrong.

Careful, references to Jenny’s number puts a date stamp on you.

I’m 30 and I love that fucking song

for many years my phone number was frightening close to hers

TIL that “Jenny’s Constant”—

J = (7^(℮-1/℮)-9)∙π² = 867.5309…

—was defined by a childhood friend, on whose TRS-80 Model 2 I played my very first computer game.

I’ve used phone numbers for Counter Strike before, and I think it vastly improves the matches. In fact, I very rarely get like “very bad” teammates anymore… can’t say the same for Dota. Also, they always require a verification text to be sent. You can’t just put a random number.

Burner phones from Tracfone are like $10…if people really want to cheat, I mean.

Speaking of DotA, I haven’t had a chance to watch much of the Kiev Major yet. Can anyone recommend some good matches to catch up on?

This grand final is pretty damn great.