The Resistance: Avalon + The Plot Thickens Forum Game #??

Well since everyone else is, I also voted yes.


@Snebmi can confer with individuals on Team Evil in PMs and see if they want to jump ahead to the stab.

Layers within layers.

Love that answer. :)

I just landed, so as soon as I can I will count up votes and such. I sent rho the PM of Scott’s identity, if you didn’t get it I’ll resend it. If you are on Team Evil feel free to send me a PM if you want to call it. Although, Oberon may not know whether or not to call it so I’m not sure how that will work.

I got your PM.

Cue four evils sending you ‘I am Oberon’ PMs ;)

It’s unanimous! EVERYONE voted Yes!

Team 4a:

Unless I get unanimous “I’m down for going straight to the assassination” from Evil I’m going to continue playing through this. @Thraeg, would you like to use No Confidence?

I think you’re kinda telegraphing the fact that good has it figured out.

I was gonna delete that and send it privately but you’re already replying…

Just wanted to say thank you for running the game! It’s fantastic of you.

The game has been called.

All Evil players would like to skip to the assassination. So:

Good wins.

Assassin, you may discuss with your Evil cohorts who to kill. Reminder to Good players: you may say anything. Sometimes, to screw with the Evil players, I’ll claim Morgana, even though nobody would believe me. Good players may still talk and say anything you would like.

Proceed with the assassination. When you are ready, bold your choice.

Yay, Good! I knew we could do it.

Good gooding, good team.

I’ll claim Morgana, although no one will believe me.

We don’t normally let good lie about roles.

I was Oberon and fucked up that 3rd team really bad. I was going to announce my evilness in the open and should have. But I was taking the people I felt were evil pushing against it like they were meant that they thought it was clean.

@CraigM I pegged evil and he had comments that I took as defeat on a clean #3 making it.

I was very tempted to switch my vote when I heard about how Casey’s was pending but that seemed unfair.

It’s mostly just distractions. Claiming Oberon is different than claiming Morgana or Assassin. I mean Good can still talk, although when I play if I’m not claiming Morgana I’m covering my face and I stop talking and tell the other Good players to do the same (Note: the reason I claim Morgana is because we play Merlin, Percival, Loyal Servant, Assassin, Morgana, because I can only do 5p)

Edit: Now I’ll cover my face and stop talking so as not to interfere with the coming assassination.

I need to know roles before I could even begin to guess on Merlin.

Assassin here. Sorry for my insufficient subtlety there, guys. I thought it would be helpful to try and spread distrust among the good guys with those cards, but probably would have been more strategic just to lay low and build trust for another mission or two.

Anyway, I’m slightly leaning toward stabbing @craigm, whose behavior was noted as irregular a couple of times, and could have been trying to nudge things based on secret knowledge. Open to any stronger arguments though.

Morgana here. Likewise I thought there was a damn good chance that Oberon was on that 3D but thought I needed to risk the double fail to sink it.

I have guesses about who I think the other people with roles are, but I don’t want to bias you guys by mentioning them yet.