The Return of Tom VS Bruce

Looking at the state of mainstream gaming journalism nowadays, I can’t really blame them.

Heh, the reaction in GAF is pretty funny…

I think that, in the end, some people don’t consider gaming journalism (playing games, writing about them) a REAL JOB.

Yeah, I was going to mention that. There’s some epic delusions going on over there. Not sure why they think since a writer can sit down and write for free that this kickstarter is materially different from any other. They don’t seem to understand the same is true of all the programmers and artists whose games they’ve supported, or that even cases where equipment is being bought, that is ultimately an abstraction for someone’s labor. They act like they shouldn’t be paying someone’s wage, but that’s all any money on kickstarter ultimately does.

They’re also completely out of touch with freelance compensation in general, or the work involved in writing a 3-4000 word article. Presumably few of them have made it to the stage in their schooling where 15 page essays are required.

True - someone wrote “One guy’s a surgeon, and he needs kickstarter money?”. Totally besides the point.
Or, exactly the point, depending on how you look at it.
Writing these articles is going to take time, and doing “related work” will do the same. A surgeon doesn’t have to work exactly long to get $1000, so it’s unlikely the $500 (I’m assuming a 50/50 split here) will even cover Bruce’s time if he were in it for the money.
It’s little more than a small incentive and reminder to motivate him to actually work on those things regularly (roughly producing one each month).
(A similar scenario likely appeals to Tom as well but - sorry Tom - a surgeon just seemed to be the better example).
If that’s not worth any money to you - fair enough, KS isn’t forcing anyone to back any project, afaik.


I just checked the exchange rate…people are pissed off that two writers are asking for £6,423.12 to write ten articles???

I never read the original tvb but I’m tempted to fund the kickstarter just to make a point.

Even with Tom, and I pointed this out on NeoGAF, any time Tom dedicates to this is time he could probably use to take a paying gig for a preview or feature for someone else. So it’s a direct case of detracting from his primary means of support to do this project.

I’ve never been tempted to toss $1000 at a prject before, but the thought of Tom & Bruce having to do an article on some Disney Dream Princess game is awfully tempting. That said, reality dictates that I’ll have to chip in for a bit less than that, lol.

I get paid Friday, and I will definitely make a contribution. Very excited to see this come back, and more than happy to support Tom, at least a little.

If only we had a proxy to funnel the funds through. Someone to hold the donations in escrow until the amalgamated donor reached the $1,000 threshold.

We should do a Kickstarter to help us with this.

That Neogaf thread is weird. I figure there are a bunch of people in there who are mad I didn’t like a particular game. But assuming some of the complaints are in good faith, I’m baffled at some of the reasoning. Is this what happens with a generation of kids accustomed to getting stuff for free? Yeah, that’s right, I just introduced piracy into the conversation. Or is it just kids accustomed to reading whatever stuff gets chucked up onto a blog or IGN affiliate?

Either way, man, Neogaf. I forgot what a mix it was of smart commentary and shrill tantrums.


Do you know what is REALLY funny?

It’s that they don’t consider to pay for gaming articles worth it, because hey, gaming journalism sucks.

And one proof of gaming journalism sucks is how the reviews are always 8-10. The big companies have too much power over the sites, etc etc, you know the drill.

And in the other hand… do you know what your name is “famous” in Gaf? Why the negative reaction? Because over time you have ticked off people here and there when you have given a low score to their favorite game/latest exclusive of their console

It makes so much sense.

It explains nicely the trend of the high scores in the last years, it’s less to try not piss off game companies, and more try to not piss off videogame fans (and lose market share and therefore lose ad money).
Because they want the full range of scores… except for the games they are hyped for.

Most of the people on Neogaf probably can’t make games, but they all can write about games – that’s what they do when they make a post. It doesn’t surprise me that a lot of people don’t value writing. We all went to school. We all had to write a two page essay. Ergo, we are all writers! What’s hard about it?

One angle about this that’s interesting is that for $1000 a game studio or publisher can pay to have Tom and Bruce write about their game. I wonder if that will happen?

Anyway, good luck guys.

So do we. :) Bruce was the one to sort of make it more explicit by calling it “sponsor level”.


I’m curious about the marketing logic, or pscyho-economics, or whatever you want to call it, of that. I mean, the big publishers probably wouldn’t bother because they’d be worried about not having control over the copy. After all, you might mention that the game doesn’t actually cure cancer or something. Whereas the really niche developers don’t have any money to spend on marketing. And other small strategy publishers/devlopers may figure that the audience for a freelanced Tom v Bruce article is probably their core audience anyway, so why spend valuable cash marketing to existing players? Somewhere there may be a middle ground of games companies for whom $1k isn’t much of a marketing spend and the Tom v Bruce audience is worth marketing to. I’m not sure where it is though.


This is worth money to me so yeah, count me in. Hope you guys meet the minimum, looking good so far.

If I had the cash, you’d be doing Hello Kitty Online.
Sadly, I don’t.

(Why? Because it’s Hello Kitty Online. Sheesh!)

Can we add a stretch goal:

Tom finally buys an Ipad (unless you have recently, I’m not current on the podcasts).

and flies to PAX.

East. :)