The Return of Tom VS Bruce

  • Jon

OMG. Is this real? A Kickstarter??? So much love.

Errr… what is this exactly? :)

Edit: Nevermind, the kickstarter article explains all.

This link should help :

I’m in!

Awesome. The 1Up link on the above link has another link that takes you to the archives!

I said I was done with Kickstarter until I saw some results, but this is going to break that. My only question right now is how badly I want that shirt.

I’m so in! Unreal Tournament 4evah.

This will be the most expensive shirt I’ve purchased, and I’m ecstatic to do it!

I was just coming to post and thread and see that I’ve been usurped!

You guys are the bee’s knees! We know the timing is awful, but we’ve been kicking this around for a few months and have only finally gotten around to finishing everything up. Bruce has even been playing Diablo III to practice.


Pledged the fuck out of this one. Well, at least $30 worth.

Anyway, hope this turns out great for you guys!

I’m in :-)

I so want a postcard signed by Tom. Do you guys post to the Netherlands?

Sorry but… no.

— Alan

Postcard pre-ordered!

Thanks for the post of something you’re not doing.

I’m currently not riding a bike, listening to a baseball game, or learning a foreign language.

Do you want a Tom vs. Bruce of your favorite game, or an old classic, or some Disney Dream Princess Wii game?

I wish I was independently wealthy. I’m pretty sure it’s not a crime to make Bruce play a Disney Dream Princess game. At least, it’d be hard to prosecute, right?

Absolutely! We wanted to avoid the hassle of sending T-shirts overseas, but we’d be happy to send postcards anywhere the mail goes. Especially the Netherlands. True story: I got a tattoo in the Netherlands.


Start writing fellas. This thing is going to sail to full funding and beyond (even without Alan Crankypants).

And I thought I would get through the whole Kickstarter craze without ever backing anything…