The reverberating impact of 2017

There have been some terrible years in the modern age. 1939 can’t have been much fun. 1973 must have been a real bummer. 2001 was a sobering experience. But 2017 stands alone. It might be the worst year the world has yet seen.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Congratulations on the clear scan!

“Things are looking very good for you, my friend.” He rapped a thick knuckle against some wood panelling on the wall. “Very good.”

“So you want me to talk?”

“Yes Mr. Chick, we want to to talk well and be healthy!”

So happy for your continued good health, Tom. Very happy.

Edit: You should take the place of Hunter Thompson and write about politics, assuming that you could stomach it. He did a lot of alcohol and drugs during the last big political cluster fuck with Nixon, so maybe not. But you have the chops, the turn of phrase, that we need now. Too many grey, pasty, forgettable political hack writers now. You would shine.

Well said Tom.

Great job for articulating a lot of my feelings about 2017. And great to hear your scans are clear, Tom!

2017 was worse than 1914 or 1939? I beg to differ.

He forgot how old you are. No disrespect intended, I’m sure. :)

OTOH why? Vietnam? I was 15. The music was great. What am I missing?

We sold out the SVN.

It was nice to meet you in person in 2017, @tomchick!

Thus my Vietnam note.

Glad to hear about the scan. Not so glad to read about 2017. I don’t really have much fight left in me, even as a keyboard warrior. I’ll give money to the Democrats because they are the firewall.

Nice writing, Tom. Thanks.

And when we survey the crash injury and damage, we are thankful that we have insurance. Nothing will ever be the same, as the houses burned and memorabilia lost, but we can rebuild. Now if ever we could remember the phone number of that insurance company… I think we left it in the voting booth.

Worth a visit please. This can turn around.

The end of 2016 was that instant of equal parts terror and resignation when you realize you’re about to wreck your car. Part of you is an outraged “oh shit, I can’t believe this is happening”. Somewhere deeper, another part of you is “well, this is going to happen, better hang on”. That was how 2016 concluded.

That was me right when I was about to get hit by the car. I looked to my left as I was crossing the street. The person was running the light. I was half way across the street. And I looked to my left and I knew. I couldn’t make it. It was like time slowed down. My only word was shit.

My thought was. Okay now what?

Then I hit the hood of the car. I remember hitting the car. Then blackness.

Yeah, but those kinda turned out for the better, didn’t they? I’m not so confident about 2017.

Watergate, right? Folks in 1973 must have felt some of the same dismay about the abuse of government power.


That awkward feeling when you had 90% of P&R muted for all of 2017.

The 15 year olds were just rocking out to Zeppelin, or Floyd, or something.

I was 14. I did watch a lot of the Watergate Hearings. Those Senators were giants compared to the folks we have now, even the Republicans on the panel.

For the better? Not sure I’d put any of the sequelae of 2017 up against 70-100 million dead in two world wars.

I knew it. Tom is an overreacting millenial. We’ve been fooled all along!

Was it really worse than anyone expected a year ago? I certainly didn’t expect we’d get through the year with virtually zero political violence, no irreversible foreign policy debacles, and a serious ongoing investigation into Trump.