The serious business of making games

I feel like Ubisoft needs to actually make some kind of new game, and stop pumping all their resources into making the same game about collecting stuff from a super cluttered map.

I remember when they made games like the original PoP: Sands of Time. That game was just fucking brilliant. It was so totally new. The same goes for the first AC. (Although even that was an evolution of the sands of time movement)

It’s been a very long time since I remember feeling that way about any of their games. Hell, I’m not sure I even finished most of the recent AC games. They’re these amazingly detailed game worlds, used as a setting for the most boring games ever.

I gotta figure the developers there must have some kind of boredom associated with that.

…and now they’re remaking an old Splinter Cell game. But making it open world. :P

Not to be that guy, but actually they’re remaking Splinter Cell as a linear game. The next real installment of the franchise is rumored to be open world.

So they are remaking splinter cell… As the same as it was originally?

Yeah, basically remaking it in a new engine, with new effects, QoL stuff etc.

Hard to break out of a pattern like this when 10 million people buy every one of these they put out.

Yeah, there’s definitely not incentive for the suits making the decisions to change.

But at the same time, I remember the brilliance that Ubisoft was once capable of, and this shit ain’t it.

The insane thing about that trailer is that they haven’t even really begun work on the game.

It is literally the opposite of show, don’t tell.

I know this is just the old man in me, but I feel like everyone in the game industry and Hollywood is focusing way more on just rehashing great stuff that other people already did, rather than making new great stuff like that used to.

Like…I don’t need them to remake games I already played. I don’t need them to remake an old movie. Make a new game. Make a new movie.

I know remakes and sequels have always been a thing, but it just seems like it’s gotten gratuitous in recent years.

You want to see something crazy? Google the list of movies that were released in 1984.

It’s not like one or two great movies came out that year. It’s like EVERY movie came out that year. It’s crazy.

Like I said, I know this is just the old man in me, but still, it seems like the entertainment industry has reached some unprecedented level of creative laziness at this point.

It’s pretty much a cliche to say you want to look at the indie scene.

On Ubisoft in particular, they do do stuff besides AC. People like For Honor and the ski-ing stuff.

Oh definitely, I think one of the greatest things about gamepass is that it gives access to a ton of Indie games and a bunch of them are great.

AAA games cost too much to take lots of risks on new IP. But there’s plenty of that going on in the indie and mobile scene.

Embracer Group continues their nomnomnom of the industry!

This is true. On the other hand, decades of ever-increasing capability in hardware and software have led to a gaming population that demands certain levels of performance, polish, and ease of use. All of those things are far more challenging for small developers, considering that even AAA games sometimes drop the ball here.

So, we get a choice between rough but innovative, or slick but rehashed. Yay us.

It’s pretty inevitable when budgets have become as huge as they are. Ironically, given the old Goldman aphorism, it’s probably more applicable in Hollywood than games, but studios generally know how to make a positive return on big budget, heavily marketed, proven IP, and struggle with stuff they don’t know how to market, so they double down on that strategy. I’m a little surprised we haven’t seen more Fox Searchlight type “indie” sub-units in the games industry throwing out smaller bets, though I guess you do see that in first party to some degree (and arguably that’s what Game Pass is doing).

Still one more!

Let’s be honest, gaming has always been very iterative.
Before there were less or no remakes/remasters, but what changed was the title of the game and not a lot more, lots of the “new” games themselves were clearly just a new platformer, or a new wargame, or a new puzzle game or a new Doom clone.
This was more evident when the stories in games were in the intro and a pair of pages in a manual. Now it’s more noticeable when something is repeated again because, like in the movies, you have the same plotline/characters too.

Wow, DIGIC? They created the best CGI trailer ever made! (Night to Remember)
Man, if only they were given the netflix budget to create Witcher book adaptation in CGI, written by CDP people…

And Dark Horse also seems like a big deal.

Yeah, buying Dark Horse is pretty crazy. Now to look at their list of holdings to pick the best dev for a AAA Hellboy game…