So these last 8 episodes are by all indications going to be the war between Jersey and NY, with probably a dream or two thrown in for kicks. Who’s not going to get whacked? Besides Tony, I mean.
You’re saying you don’t think Tony will get whacked? No way, he’s dead. The thing to wonder is if he reforms first.
Is that a bet?
I bet he’s going to die too. That will be very sad and painful to watch, though.
I think Christopher will be the Michael to Tony’s Don Corleone. What, Tony’s gonna retire? Fuhgeddaboutit…
Chase is a damned fine screenwriter and producer, but turning Fredo into Michael is beyond his powers.
That is, unless The Sopranos takes place in the DC universe.
Tony ain’t going out while playing with his grandkids in the garden.
I predict Christopher kills him. Or, Big Pussy rises from the deep—much like Ted Danson in Creepshow—and takes his zombie revenge.
I was speaking figuratively. Tony will not die of a heart attack. He will be killed. (Chris or Phil are good guesses.) Silvio has already demonstrated he can’t take the reins.
That leaves Chris and Paulie to fight it out. I think Paulie is more of a Fredo character than Chris is but it’s not a direct analogy either way. Both characters are stronger than Fredo was. Looking forward to finding out though.
I hope Tony makes it through.
I’m betting he’s not gonna die. It seems like the obvious ending, and Chase seems to just fundamentally hate doing anything obvious or that fans might expect or want.
More important, however, is that I don’t want Paulie Walnuts to die.
My money says Tony ends up in the same kind of figurative purgatory as he was in when he was in the hospital, early last season.
Unless the season opens with the executions of all the irritating supporting characters (Janice, Anthony, Meadow and the shrink), then I’ll wait till the season ends and read the synopsis. With great effort, I struggled through season 5, and even braved a few episodes of season 6, but there’s way too much drama and not enough crime. I can’t bring myself to watch any more.
Tony isn’t going to die. That would be Hollywood justice. For Tony, it will be business as usual, though I think someone very important to him will die.
Meadow hasn’t really had enough screen time over the last couple seasons to be considered annoying.
Actually, most of the “annoying” characters have been pushed to the margins.
I’ve still got my feeling from last year that either AJ will die or he will be the agent of Tony’s ruin (not necessarily death).
Interesting. I was thinking like you are but came to the opposite conclusion. I was thinking that the obvious ending is to have Tony come out on top and smoke a victory cigar as he danced on all of his enemies’ graves. (The show is about him, after all.)
So, to not be obvious, killing him in some grand fashion would be the most dramatic thing they could do. I guess a slow death parade of all the supporting actors will be fun too…
Why would they have him get shot by Uncle Junior early this season and then have him actually die later? It would be anti-climatic.
Blah. Typical buildup to bigger things.
But Tony proved that he’s his mother’s son.
I thought it was a decent episode. But I do wish they would just whack AJ and be done with it.
I’d hardly call that episode build-up… I thought it was fantastic.