The Strain

This whole show is stupid. I caught my DVR recording it last night (I suffered through the first season) and I laughed out loud.

The show we love to hate-watch.

I finished the premiere a little while ago. I had forgotten how much I was rooting for F’s kid to die at the end of season 1. Alas. The master looked muppitish when he was still a dude (this is a compliment to that actor, who had a distinct look. Still not a compliment to the Master’s vamp look, which is ridiculous. At least that’s going to change soon, though I can’t say I have high hopes).

The show’s writing rarely goes it favors.

Vampire Rainbow Six dude: “we should go, they are awakening and they will be hungry. Oh, wait, let;s stay and watch anyway.” Ok.

So did they give an explanation last night about who these vampire Seal Team 6 guys are?*
*and why they themselves aren’t snacking on every mortal in sight?

They started hinting last season, I thought. They’re in the service of other masters who think the Muppet Master has gone bonkers and needs to be stopped. Or something. That was developed slightly more in the premiere with them now offering direct help to Setrakian (though not telling him how to kill a master, of course).

Or am I mis-remembering from season 1?

No, you’re remembering right. I guess I still wonder how the vampire cops are feeding themselves. Watching now–the school bus scene–I suspect that they’re all doomed to be vampire chow.

And they changed the actor who plays the son, didn’t they (he’s a lot less charismatic)?

Fairly good season premier, I thought. I especially enjoyed the explanation for the Master’s bizarre physiogamy. Now we know why no other vamps look so strange–their hosts didn’t suffer from acromegaly before the change. I wouldn’t have made that connection, but I like it.

This show is awesomely cheesy. That whole worm vomit scene was the grossest thing I’ve ever seen. Loved it XD

An excellent start to the season. There’s a depth to this show, that even for all it’s faults, makes shows like Grimm look like soap operas.

F is not the most liked character? His son needed a good she-is-a-zombie-dumb-arse backhand slap. Natural selection dictates that dumb brat should go up and hug the nearest “still human” zombie, and go on to the great wormy beyond. Fingers crossed that the writers see F acting drunk and decide that writing more drinking scenes for him isn’t the greatest idea.

But that’s a minor peeve. Looking forward to the rest of the season.

Exactly right! The premier picked up right where they left off – It is still just as badgood as I remember!

Just got done watching lasrt week’s.

Zomg the kid erased the key to the zombie cure.

F"s kid is going to give F a run for the title of most hated character. But I love the extensive Setrakian backstory we’re getting this season. It’s good enough for me to overlook F and f.

Ephraim and their kid need to be killed by his vampire wife. This is the only way the show will get better. :p

They did change the child actor playing the kid, right? I don’t remember him being even 1/8 as insufferable as he is now.

They did, yeah, and I’m not sure why. The current incarnation of f (F’? F-?) is horrid.

They changed because they thought the role would be more demanding this season, I think. The kid’s emoting isn’t working for me, though. The scowl he wore as he erased the word “infected” was just too ridiculous.

Nope, some other character will sacrifice their life to ensure F and kid survive to plague us.

I am telling you all right now, if Setrakian dies trying to save Ephraim or his kid, I am gonna quit watching.

It’s amazing that they made him go from mildly insufferable to off the charts insufferable. There’s no way this move was made because this new kid’s got better acting chops.

What does that mean? I didn’t even see the kid in this episode.

He went on the transparent dry-erase wall and rubbed off the word INFECT.

I have no idea what the point of the kid is. It’s for frustrated parents to let other people feel what they do? I don’t know.