The temporary thread for Slay the Spire daily score comparisons until something more elegant comes along

It was a fun run. I picked Aggregate in the opening, and used it as an excuse to add cards (even curses) whenever I could. This ended in a stupid and large deck, but one which synergized nicely, for once

As usual, when in doubt: pick Snacko and add tons of costly cards blindly!

That was a very powerful initial setup.

I don’t think a run can get easier than today’s. Strategy spelled out for you right from the start.

“1111”, hu.

Today’s run was no gift.

Yeah, that was less than ideal. I think I was actually doing pretty well, but that Gremlin Leader fight is hard as it is without any real options for resting before you get to it. Rough.

I haven’t done the daily in a little while and figured I’d try today’s. I limped past that Gremlin Leader fight and entered the 2nd floor boss fight with 37 health. It wasn’t enough…

You picked your day ;)

That’s exactly what got me too.

This was a fun run. Vintage is my favorite modifier, and a big Power run is one of my favorites, with stuff like Mummy’s Hand and the book that gives a free 0-cost power at the start of combat. Some great combinations here, super fun.

It was interesting because, like you, I love Vintage, and yet I avoided most of the monster encounters this time. I had a reason: I grabbed early the double boss relic… relic, and I was hunting rares in those “?” rooms. I ended up having more relics than you, neenaneenah!

True, and I did consider trying that when I saw the black star pop up after the Act 1 boss - but I went pyramid instead, so I could always keep my upgraded fission to hand (along with Capacitor+ and the boss relic that gave me more orb slots every other turn) for the late combat nuke option. This worked amazingly well - if a fight was half way over or more, I’d pull that trigger and drop a 50 point nuke on every enemy in the fight (I always had a 0 cost zap in my starting hand, which helped here as well). So good.

I kept postponing the upgrade of the Fission because of health issues, until the later part of the second act. I was chasing health for the most part of the run, actually (until I bought that healing power card).

Twice now I’ve gotten to the time keeper at Ascension 15 and twice he beat me back. You guys doing any ascension runs?

Naw. I like them on paper, and got to ascension 3 or 4 for a few of the classes, but they just get brutal for me. I can barely (reliably) win a standard run, let alone when the deck is more stacked against me. Being on Ascension 15 is just… incredible to me, congrats!

Thanks, it’s only out of sheer persistence I got this far :-) There are a bunch of people between here and GWJ that made it to Ascension 20 - that seems so impossible.

This thread is just depressing. :)

Been hacking at this for the last couple of days, but can’t make it past the second boss fight - starting to despair that I ever will since I seem to have stopped improving in any meaningful way from run to run.

We have all been there I think vinraith.
My earlier game memories are that I didn’t get at all how you were supposed to go anywhere with such a small health jauge! I was thinking everybody liking the game was insane XD
When it will start to click, it will be cascading and you will make up new strategies almost every play.

I don’t play Ascension runs, but merely because I limit myself to the daily everyday: that single run already takes about an hour every day, I can’t afford multiple games!

What @Left_Empty said, but another tip I gave my cousin (who was also stuck never getting past the second spire) is don’t try to progress, instead try to collect different cards every run to play with them and see how they work and interact with one another. So many cards I thought looked useless when I was first learning the game ended up being so freaking powerful. Same with relics, and even potions for that matter. I mean, you can get a Boot relic and not realize it’s fucking god tier for example. Or a Dead Branch. Those are nearly broken, but looking at it you may think “Oh, big deal, I get a free draw when I exhaust a card?” But that can be exploited so easy.

This game.

This is so true, and it still happens to me, after a couple hundred of hours playing the game. The latest example might be the Fusion card we just talked: a couple of weeks ago, I thought it was useless, then I organized my first deck around it and oh my god.