The Thaumaturge, coming soon from some Witcher/Frostpunk people

Not much info on this yet, but it has a Steam page now. In theory I’m up for anything with a little Witcher DNA, but we’ll see.

This game was just released to fairly positive reviews. (Solid 7 out of 10/9) Demon Hijinks in 20th century Warsaw huh. (Or Polish Constantine)

Looks like this is actually from the people that did Seven: The Days Long Gone which I have only played the intro/prologue mission. Still in my priority backlog.

The Thaumaturge - Review After 100% (

I’d forgotten about this. This and Banishers sound kind of related. Too many games.

New IPs in AA sphere from less known developers have it hard these days. Indeed way too many games. Looking at steam numbers, both Banishers and Thaumaturge are almost certainly unprofitable.

I am interested in both, have them on wishlist, but because “too many games” I am just not in a hurry to buy them…

It sure doesn’t help when you so blatantly use the synonyms dictionary to name your game. Who remembers The Oldboys Manuscripts, Mausoleum Invader and Great Giana Sisters!

I think it counts for a lot when a role-playing game comes along and it’s different. There are so many games that try to do what other games do, they end up struggling to stand out - especially when they don’t have the resources larger projects do. But with Thaumaturge, developer Fool’s Theory (the Polish studio remaking The Witcher 1 for CD Projekt Red, by the way) has played it smart. It’s focused on the differences and not been afraid to leave other things out, and it means that behind Thaumaturge’s admittedly dated exterior, there are some genuinely interesting things here.

There’s a tease for you, by quoting the first paragraph. 3/5 star review. Good read.

Definite buy when it’s discounted a bit.

Gave it a try and refunded it after about 100 minutes. Gameplay mechanics are just too simplistic, and the VA was pretty bad for its story to keep me playing.