The Theme Song Thunderdome

OK, meant to get to this earlier, but let’s vote on Captain Jack Sparrow’s ideal theme song!

Captain Jack Sparrow’s theme:
  • Lazy Town, You Are A Pirate
  • Alestorm, Wenches & Mead
  • Dr. Alimantado, Best Dressed Chicken In Town
  • Dead Crew of Oddwood, Storm Riders
  • Wilderun, The Coasts of High Barbaree

0 voters

I am horrifically late on this, but @Dissensus you suggestion won!

You are up. :)

I think it’s time the official TV series of QT3—Gilmore Girls, clearly—gets represented here. I select the best GG of the bunch: Emily Gilmore, queen of the WASPs.

I apologize that the poster of the above video lacked the good sense to edit out the few seconds of Christopher toward the end.

Did I kill this game with Emily? I can change it to Batman or whoever if that makes it better. It’s my fault for posting about GG outside of the designated GG thread.

Sorry, I read the post at a time I couldn’t dig for a song. I’ll see what I can do now.

Sorry, I’ve never seen the show. Meant to come up with something based on that clip, but didn’t have any particular inspiration and got distracted. I’ll see what I can find.

There are a paucity of quality Gilmore Girls clips on YouTube, I’m afraid. Just think of something for an old-money, stiff upper lip Connecticut type who is cutting and vicious when need be (but more likeable and sympathetic than the usual of that sort).

I have a great song lyrically for the relationship with Lorelai and Emily. Tonally absolutely not a musical fit for her though.

But it is so good lyrically. Hmm. (Redemption - Walls for the curious)

I’ve only casually seen Gilmore Girls, usually by being in the same room at the same time when my wife watched it. I’m under the impression that Alexis Bledel’s character was precociously well-read. She and her mom trade rapid-fire dialogue. And I think at some times they were concerned about the other’s love life. So here, let’s get T’Pau’s Heart and Soul in the mix. I don’t know if either GG character was a Trekkie, but the song has a nice duet quality between one constant talker and someone singing her lungs out.

I feel like this might be going a bit darker than is warranted by the show. But it at least fits the general vibe of a woman addressing a controlling/deceptive mother figure, and the masquerade theme seems appropriate to me for high society with its rigidly defined behavioral expectations.

So I’m glad I mulled things over. This song also fits the relationship between Emily and Lorelei, but is a little more melancholy (and was one of two Symphony X songs I liked here, the other being about loss, Without You)

Select lyrics

You spread your wings to fly
Far away
Somehow, someday
You will understand
I hope you’ll understand

Where’d it all go wrong and who’s to blame

Is this all they’ll ever know?
Can they find their way?
What went wrong?

A song about broken relationships, and hoping for a future where they understand each other? Seems appropriate since that is the core emotional beat for the first few seasons in specific.

I think three songs is enough, but I’m going to wait until later this evening (Eastern) to open the poll in case there are any stragglers.

Poll time!

Emily Gilmore’s Theme:
  • AfterTime - Masquerade (Through the Façade)
  • T’Pau - Heart And Soul
  • Symphony X - When All Is Lost

0 voters

Edit: Reminder that this poll closes tonight at midnight Eastern.

Sorry to have missed this round, but thanks to those who chipped in! I need to get into Gilmore Girls

I definitely feel 2 of 3 leaned more on Lorelai than Emily however :D

Which, admittedly, is the easier choice. Both being a more common theme in music lyrics, but also being the co-main character.

Symphony X’s “When All is Lost” is officially Emily Gilmore’s theme song which means @CraigM is up next.

Quick reminder to @CraigM that he’s up.

So, with ~3 entries per round, I’m not sure whether this thread idea actually has legs or not. But if you want the game to continue with or without @craigm, you have the power!


I even had the post started and saved.

Right! Here we go, Captain James T Kirk. Not my favorite captain, but the one I think would be the most fun to pick a song about. Because while Picard might be the captain I most envision myself as, he

Iconic performances, but also capable of some incredibly cheesy and silly moments

There is a 99% likelihood I’m going to post “Kirk of the Mountain.” But I am going to give myself time to see if I am able to be more thoughtful than that!