The thread for police reforms

Yeah, that’s what I tool from it: Check out this bizarre antique handgun that officers of the 60th captured! Weird and unusual, but hey, one more gun off the streets!

I am cheered that we have seen some movement in terms of public support on this issue, but I am skeptical that we will make real progress unless we can somehow separate the decisions on prosecuting police abuse from the people who depend on police to help prosecute other cases.

The problem of police unions is also large, but I think that that is somewhat more tractable. But as long as prosecuting police crime vigorously is career suicide for ambitious prosecutors, public opinion is going to be largely ineffective.

This is disheartening. Getting rid of the few cops who will stand up to abuse:

And people wonder why the slogan is “defund the police” and not “reform the police”. Police reform apparently means tossing out the few good apples who’ve managed to escape the rot.

This is also what defunding the police means, since when budgets are cut, and they fire folks, they tend to fire based on seniority, so the younger cops who are generally less entrenched in the corrupt practices, are the guys who they let go.

What you really need to do is get rid of those guys who are clinging to those old practices, before they can pass on those bad habits and culture to the younger cops. But I dunno how you do that.

My parents have been trying out the snowbird idea for a few months due to some unexpected retirements over the past couple years. Monday night I get a call that they’ve been in a wreck; after talking to my dad for a few minutes (who is clearly in a lot of pain) he says that it was his fault and the light must have turned red without him noticing.

The next day after he’s released (they’re both going to be ok thankfully, he’s a bit banged up and my mom was more or less unscathed due to the impact being driver’s side) I get a little more of the story - the responding officer came and visited him as soon as they rolled him into the hospital and said that the cop checked their traffic cameras and he was at fault.

There was a dashcam in the car. As soon as he’s able, my dad checks the footage. They had a green light and it was very obvious (I’ve seen the footage as well). The truck that hit them turned from the oncoming lanes and barreled right into my parents driving through intersection. Now, the person that hit them was apparently 16 and had local plates. My parents had out of state plates.

I’m not saying the cop was trying to screw over the presumed short-stay tourist to protect the local. Sure doesn’t seem right that they’d immediately show up at the hospital and falsely ascribe blame though. In short - your daily reminder that ACAB and it doesn’t even matter if you’re white so long as they can paint you with some sort of “otherness”.

He was. I’d be calling up that department to file a complaint for an officer blatantly lying. I’d also ask a news service if they’d like to do a story on it as well. This cop has framed others, you can bet money on it. Question is, how bad has he screwed other innocent people over. Until he’s called on it he’ll keep doing it.

Not only are they allowed to lie, they’re expected to. There is nothing on the books that says an officer has to tell someone the truth.

Never, ever agree to anything or accept blame when it comes to an accident.


Also true. Cops can and will lie to you about everything. Hell, they’ll do it under oath, but at least there it can bite them in the ass (in theory). In every other scenario? Wont come back on them at all.

Now if that lie is because the person that hit LockerK’s parents is someone the cop is trying to protect? Different story.
Also harder to prove unless it’s like a direct relative, but I’d still get the information out there. Lots of news organizations would be happy to run the story, even if it was just locally. Depending on the department, it might actually do something as well.

Unfortunately there’s only so much I’m willing/able to do while they’re states away fighting with insurance to try and get this settled - plus the fact that it wasn’t my crash I’m trying not to overstep my bounds. My dad is very stubborn however, and also thinks the whole thing doesn’t pass the smell test so I expect he’ll pursue it as long as possible. But to say I am goddamn livid is at best an understatement. After seeing the footage that was probably a second off from being much, much, worse.

This is why I expect the cop showed up - hoping to catch my dad drugged up on pain meds and amenable to accepting blame. I’m shooting off a records request for the police report and traffic footage this morning to see what I can get.

Good for you, and I’m glad your Dad doesn’t think this doesn’t pass the smell test as well.

Needs a machine gun.

Cops evicting folks at midnight on Thanksgiving right now in California. Disgusting. Apparently a crowd of patriots have come out to confront the police, including hogtying children.

Stuff like this moves me more into defund territory.

"Because you’re filming a crime scene investigation, and… AND… you’re involved. "

… sonovabitch. Now he’s charged with “Menacing” (wtf, did you pussies both feel intimidated by a guy standing a hundred feet away armed only with a cell phone?) and Resisting Arrest (because of course they’d say that when manhandling someone who’s standing there in shock at what’s going on).

And this guy was white. I can only imagine how it would have gone down if he hadn’t been.

Well the officers stories is that one of the suspects they had already arrested in a check fraud scheme had pointed out the cameraman as involved in their crime. I’m sure that suspect will back up that story as his charges are dropped for completely unrelated reasons.

That’s pretty messed up. Is that all it takes now, just pointing at someone for the cops to up and assault someone?