The thread of stunning visuals

By the way, going to rent Alien 3 this weekend I saw something that made me think of @Telefrog

Oh what the hell.

It must be some kind of Illuminati trigger phrase, like every time a deep agent sees the phrase “visually stunning” a banana republic dictator gets toppled somewhere.

Oh, man, that just reminded me Tropico 6 is a thing. When is that coming out? I should look for a thread on it.

This thread is basically here to grief Nick Diamon. I’m disappointed it doesn’t get more use. Why can’t the rest of you be like @Scotch_Lufkin?


It’s surprising there are any left, then, isn’t it?

Well, I assume Jay-Z just props up a new one.

I put this Guardian review in the main Anthem thread, but it deserves to be here.

This world is visually stunning, beyond almost anything we’ve seen in the current generation of video games.

And a caption on one of their pictures:

Visually stunning … Anthem’s alien world is stunningly portrayed. Photograph: BioWare/EA

This may be the best conspiracy theory on the entire internet.

I would like to see someone who is actually visually stunned.

As in, they boot something up. Then they look at the screen. And then, as if in slow motion, you can openly see the strength leaving their body. The eyes going blank; the jaw dropping open. A collapse to the floor, followed by simultaneous sphincter release.

Yeah. Yeah.

I’ll be in my bunk.

The closest I think I got to being “visually stunned” was the first time I left the crashed ship in the original Unreal. I did literally say “Oh, crap!” out loud, then spent the next few minutes just firing my gun into the air to watch the bolt fade into the skybox.

Aren’t those “I hate this guy” guys supposed to be visually stunned?

Didn’t we all…! Yes, stunning actually seems an apt word to describe that brief moment of awe.

I don’t know who started this requirement of having to actually stun you. When you describe a beautiful woman as stunning, you can do so without her having actually stopped you from moving or forget to draw breath or something. It can just be used to describe someone beautiful. Same with describing the graphics in a video game.

Mine was having, for the first time, a 3D video card and firing up Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. Fog and all it was a jaw dropping experience. I called the wife and the kid into the room to watch it. Truly a new and wonderful thing.

That’s a good one - I remember saving up my pay to get a Monster 3D card so I could play Tomb Raider in all its glory. I don’t remember being stunned though. Maybe I got stunned so hard I lost memory.

I guess for me it was Wing Commander Prophecy’s 3D card version. I’d already been playing it for a year in software mode. But seeing it run on a Voodoo2 for the first time, all those smooth rounded shields where you couldn’t see the pixel outlines, just actual rounded lines? It was amazing. I’d never seen anything so cool before.

Dice’s Motorhead racer (before they got bought out by EA)