The Top Ten Games of 2020 (so far!)

Now that we’re officially in the second half of 2020, it’s time to look back at the first half of 2020 and consider which of the games released so far are the best.  Because that’s what calendars are for.  They exist to arbitrarily group newly released videogames into time periods in which they’re pitted against each other on top ten lists for people to argue about on the internet.  It’s the whole reason the Romans or Mayans or whoever invented calendars.  Shame they couldn’t stick around long enough for videogames to get invented and fulfill the purpose of their calendars.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

So good at making lists Tom!

Great shame upon you for not listing Deep Rock Galactic, as a top 10. Its so good.

I’ll get my top 10 so far together later this week. :)

I love the Sniper Elite games and love Strange Brigade, but didn’t get along with the earlier Zombie Army games at all. Those games suffered because they were still trying to be sniper focused, but the maps and enemies didn’t lend themselves to sniping. Is Zombie Army 4 more like Strange Brigade, in that it’s got a wider selection of weapons at hand and a greater variety of approaches?

Edit: I don’t see it on Steam or GOG. Let me guess, Epic bought it?

Correct, SE:ZA4 is a EGS exclusive for 1 year.


Well, I’m still curious if it’s more Strange Brigade than Sniper Elite.

No Animal Crossing!

It definitely takes a lot of lessons from Strange Brigade.

Hey I think I played Ancient Enemy back when it was called Shadowhand and had a less generic theme.

So why have I added it to my Steam cart? I read it is actually a bit different, combat is better? Should I remove it from my cart?

Sad Bloody Rally Show isn’t on here but it’s a good list regardless. ;)

Definitely NOT an issue in Zombie Army 4. You can play entire levels and never use a sniper scope. It’s the lessons they learned in Strange Brigade all the way.


Glad to hear it, sounds like something I’d really enjoy playing in co-op with friends. Hopefully I’ll still have some time for co-op gaming in a year or two (first kid imminent, which is bound to be a disruption!) and I can pick it up then.

I haven’t played it. Plus, I don’t think those games are for me. I hate dogs that play guitar.

I appreciate your enthusiasm for that thing, but to my mind, it’s a bog standard top-down racer with no solution for the fact that racing is about looking forward, not looking down from above and therefore limiting what you can see in front of you. Ugh.

It’s basically Shadowhand 2.


Weird, I’m only seeing 9 games.

Read the article!

And I haven’t tried Gears Tactics or Maneater yet.


I did! But fishing isn’t a game!

I love these distilled lists of stuff Tom C likes. They’re like telegrams from fairlyland :)


runs away crying

I also was very sure AC wasn’t at all for me and have now invested more hours into it than any game, or series of games combined, ever. So, perhaps?, maybe worth it, but you’re probably more solid of your gaming convictions than I am. . . :-D

You da man, man.