The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


I took a 1 year break between playthroughs though, and on the 2nd run I only did critical path and adjacent side-quests. No billboards or helping common towns folk, but for some reason I still played the hell out of gwent.

480 hours played here, across two playthroughs, second one with the expansions included :)

And I still didn’t want it to end.

Same for me, except not as much time in between.Looked for every qwent card second time. And in the vampire dlc, if you chose a different path early in the play it takes you on an entirely different journey. Its great.

I’m considering a second play-through, but I can’t decide if I’m going to try New Game + or just start from level 1 again. Any suggestions?

Really depends if you want to play with all skills unlocked, or if you enjoy the progression of acquiring them as you play. I am in the latter camp so I never use NG plus.

This is my goal! You have inspired me!

I’m currently around halfway through Hearts of Stone so I think I can do it.

Plus the story in Hearts of Stone gets sooooo good. I mean, it’s probably already good where you’re at in it…but yeah.


How much time do I have left?

Cyberpunk 2077 is supposed to come out on Sept 17. So four months. Not enough time for most people who have a job and family. But I think it should be possible if one were to give up all other games for that period.

Is there any build that doesn’t have a heavy use of potions? I know that’s one of the Witcher’s things, but I hate potions in RPGs with a vengeance as I’m constantly having to juggle potion use and inventory which just makes me anxious. This is the main thing that has kept me from getting into Witcher since forever.

Witcher potions are pretty user-friendly - they autobrew themselves overnight from what I remember.

Eurogamer posted that earlier this year.

I use a grenade focused build, so fun to make stuff explode. I’d have to google a bit to find it on the internet, it was posted 3-4 years ago I think.

I think I am gonna finally finish Hearts of Stone this week, I am just past the wedding celebration, so I am not sure how much remains.

I remember a lot of meta talk about potion builds being the best class for the game, but I went with a standard little bit of everything build and didn’t have any problems.

I don’t usually like messing with potions either, but I really like Witcher’s recharging potion system.

When I do play a second time (and this time play the DLC), I definitely intend to check out the alchemy tree this time. I never looked into that tree at all in my first playthrough since combat moves and signs seemed so much more exciting to me, so I think it’s the only game where I completely ignored one tree completely.

First time through I did a combat-heavy build with bear armor, and very little potions beyond the necessary ones (story-based ones). It worked fine.

Second time through I did a build closer to how I thought book-Geralt would be, with wolf armor, and a blended mix of alchemy, signs, and standard combat.

Both builds worked great.

I went wolf armor with a focus on swordplay but some dabbling in signs and alchemy as well. It made sense to the fiction in my head. One thing I was bummed to discover was how crazy expensive all the witcher armor sets could get to fully upgrade - ultimately I only got the wolf set to grandmaster, would have liked to have done one or two more, maybe feline and ursine. Oh well.

With Destiny 2 and Diablo 3 on the plate… guess not.


Oh well, at least I finished Season 1 of the Witcher on the tv.

Oh that’s right, they have The Witcher on TV now. I should check that out.

I heard there are now books, too!


Toss a coin to your Witcher Netflix