The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Yep, the driver update at least has me sitting at 30fps with Ultra + settings on. But at some point I may dial it back to get to a steady 60+ fps.

Ok NOW the PS5 version is out. It shows up in the store as a Complete Edition that you can buy for free.

Yes this is exactly what happened with me. Once I updated the driver’s RT was just crashing all the time. I’m just going to leave it off until I see what gets reported over the next few days.

I was having completely blank screen when RT was turned on, and then crashing. Reboot fixed it (turns out my Windows had been hanging on to a pending Windows update). Everything seems to be working well after an update.

Looks amazing. Once again RT just does not come across well in videos to me. I was toggling RT on and off around various saves in the games and I doubt I can play without it now. Unless it’s night without a light source in the middle of the woods, then I didn’t care.

Performance, even at 60 when messing with settings, felt bad. Not sure if that’s just how Geralt controls or the GoG overlay wasn’t particularly accurate.

The settings are definitely wonky, I had to restart each time to get an accurate FPS count. Otherwise flipping RT off looked like it was off, but ran like it was on.

Where are the HDR options? Mine just showed standard gamma settings.

I no longer have my original save files. No New Game Plus for me. Sadface.

Oh well, more gwent is approaching. Happyface.

Was able to get the FPS display from MS Game Bar. Never used it for that before, just screenshots and video capture.

Was getting 120 fps steady with DLSS and everything cranked to the limit, at 5,120x1440. Looked fantastic! Also crashed twice, though. Not sure if it was because of having the frame counter running; I’ll try again without it tomorrow.

A question abou tthe better graphics on the pc version.

Can you play like before the update? Is just a question of selecting ‘high’ or ‘very high’ on the settings? In other words, does the new textures and models ‘actifvate’ only when you select Ultra+ ?

No idea but with RT disabled I am getting similar framerates as before. It is only the RT that kills framerate, and it proper kills it - much more than in Cyberpunk!
So I guess implementing DX12 and RT into this old engine wasn’t easy.
The game still has DX11 renderer so that should be identical as before, I assume.

Also, the game crashes if you play without RT and then enable it via the RT toggles. However if you enable it via RT Ultra preset, it does not crash.

RTGI does make a nice difference in places affected by it though:

(non RT):

(RTGI and RT reflections enabled, RTAO and RT Shadows disabled):

Sorry this is Windows 11 Auto HDR. Of course this would have worked in Witcher 3 before the update, but the last time I played it I didn’t have a fancy hdr monitor so wrote about that as well.

I just did a test - run through Novigrad - on settings:

DLSS Performance
Everything off / lowest (incl. population density)
RT Reflections ON
RT Shadows OFF
RT Ambient Occlusion OFF

And result?

In Novigrad on these settings, game drops into low fifties in the “busy” places (like fish market). With 5800X3D and 3080Ti. And this is purely CPU limitation of course. GPU is not running fully utilized.

Meanwhile in Cyberpunk 5800X3D can keep 60 on significantly higher settings no problem - with one exception - market behind Tom’s Diner, where it can also drop into fifties.

I just installed it and did a small test

In a Novigrad plaza, looking at the ‘worst’ direction for my fps

-Old, 1.31 version at Ultra, 102 fps
-DX11 version at Ultra : 76 fps
-DX11 version at Ultra+ : 72-73 fps
-New DX12 version at Ultra: 57 fps
-New DX12 version at Ultra+: 52 fps
-New DX12 version at Ultra+ & DLSS or FSR Quality: 53-54 fps ??? is there is something wrong here??
-New DX12 version at Ultra+ & DLSS or FSR Quality & all RT: 31fps

with a amd 3700x , rtx 3070, 16 gb ram, Win11, 1440p res

Dlss is very weird in w3, it can give me between 5-10 fps but makes the image much worse. Seems to do different things for different people, I have seen many reports of dlss doing nothing for fps.

DLSS works fine on my end. Looks good and gives perf boost, but when CPU is the limitation, it can of course do nothing. That is also Turin’s problem. That 3700X is likely bottlenecking so hard that DLSS is meaningless.

One way to test this is to lower the resolution in dx12 and dx11 and see by how much the fps increases.

Just “Ray Traced Global Illumination” by itself seems to the most important. Adds a lot of depth to scenes.


We haven’t had a good old PC performance thread in ages. My 3070 @ 3440x1440 is up above 90% utilisation with everything maxed out. The 5600X is just sitting watching. Each DLSS step gets me about 10% extra performance - I don’t notice any blurring, but White Orchard is a bit like an oil painting anyway.

Didn’t like the close cameras, am liking the quick casts. Had to remind myself that back in the day we had a weapon per number key and we liked it.