The Wonderful 101!

Will do. I will also assume you meant you “respect all my criticisms” since they are so true!

Anyone know if there is a practice mode in this like Bayonetta, where you could press select on the loading screen to make it wait?

You can’t make it wait that I recall, but there is a whole mode where you can play special operations separate from the main game IIRC. It might be marked as co-op but you can also play it solo I think? It sounds to me like you haven’t yet gotten the dodge move? Dude, this is one of the craziest games ever made. Keep going.

Yeah there’s an arena mode. I’ve played it a bit. I’ll practice there. I’m still trying to land a basic combo with two different unite morphs. None of the instructions seem to work. I need to try different button press speeds.

I have the dodge. It’s just hard to see the attacks sometimes. This is a fairly normal frustration the first time through a beat 'em up. Here it’s exacerbated by the two available camera distances, in addition to all the other stuff that annoys me.

I will keep going. I hope the crazy stuff applies to actual gameplay and not just QTE sequences!

I am with you on this one Tim. It’s the only Platinum game I’ve started but not finished. I just couldn’t stand all the mini-games and QTEs.

Oh man, I love TW101, but totally understand why folk bounce off it.

It’s such a quirky and awkward game at times and early on I found myself frustrated, confused and overwhelmed by it. Eventually it all clicked and after that I just couldn’t get enough. I was totally hooked on its unusual but deep and rewarding combat, its zany characters and plot, and its epic set-pieces and boss battles. The level length felt fine to me too. There was just this… I dunno, ‘giddiness’ to it that I found irresistible.

TW101 is probably my favourite Wii U game then, and the main reason I so eagerly want to check out the similarly divisive Star Fox Zero.

Anyway, I hope it clicks for you Tim, but I know it’s not a game for everyone!

Yeah, I just love the characters and the craziness of everything. The way the boss battles just go completely insano off the rails sometimes, including those QTE sequences that I think are a lot of fun, really endeared me to the game. It’s easily among my middle son’s favorite games ever, too. He’s got the shirt.

If you consider it’s essentially Nintendo/Platinum’s version of the Power Rangers, maybe that helps make it click?

Yeah exactly. It’s bonkers. The mini-games were as cute as they were clunky, and some of the controller screen sequences were really playful and clever too, if unwieldy.

It’s also home to what I’m sure is the funniest QTE in videogame history. It makes me grin just thinking about it. I’m sure you can remember the one Dave, but if not… spoiler here.

Wow, I never knew that! Thank you! :)

It’s especially important for the PC version, which loads in a flash. TW101 gives me a decent amount of time to experiment. Just not enough to figure out why the combos don’t work.

I still can’t do this combo. I’m going to have to ask on some forums. I’m talking about this here. Has anyone ever landed this?

Holy shit, I think it’s because there’s a hidden property where you need to unlock the second skill used in the combo (I want to do a launcher or rising attack) for BOTH the starting move and the ending move. I have it for the sword so you’d think that’s all I need, but it won’t come out because I don’t have it for the fist, which is my first move in the combo.


I’d love to see my leaders’ level-up progress to unlock new moves, but of course the one thing they fail to include in this convoluted interface is the ability to do that. Stupid.

I just played the tutorial and have absolutely no idea what’s going on.

I was thinking about alternating this with Zelda, but I think I’m going to have to finish Zelda before trying this again, because the controls are confusing enough as is that I don’t want to be confusing myself with these controls vs. the Zelda controls.

Meanwhile, Operation 004 was… tolerable?! There’s still hope.

Survived it!

This is one of those games where the amazing parts combine with the horrible parts to average somewhere around 3 stars. It was a long, winding road to get there. In the midgame I started to think I was really enjoying it. It was kind of like Dark Souls: the game does things that offend me on principle, but I’m good enough at playing it that they don’t bother me anymore! Then the final fight with Vorkken and all of Operation 007 infuriated me all over again. But after that, Operation 008 was awesome with its series of great fights that let me show off what I had learned up until then. And then the interminable ending pissed me off again.

Every Platinum game has its ups and downs. In this one, the highs couldn’t quite make up for the lows.

I don’t think I’ll play it again anytime soon. I’m holding out for a Switch port so I can sell my Wii U and move to that platform. I don’t know how they’d make the controls work for the stupid minigame sections. I suppose they can’t get any worse!

Good effort! Glad you stuck with it Tim, even if you weren’t fully sold on it.

Coming to PC and all consoles in April, it seems!

You made me double check. Still no Xbox One on the radar.

Great news, but they’ve just launched a Kickstarter that anticipates releasing the actual game a month after the Kickstarter campaign ends? Really? I’ll believe it when I see it.


By setting the deadline so aggressively, it ensures we get it no later than 2023. I think that’s how that works.

There’s speculation the Switch port is already done. I wouldn’t be surprised if they clarify later that PS4 and PC will take more time.

There’s a really good chance that the Switch port is nearly complete at this point.