The XBOX One

Oh hey cool, looks like Enter the Gungeon will be releasing soon as a Play Anywhere title, there’s one I can take off my Steam wishlist.

@RickH, the passcode thing may be due to a third-party Bluetooth stack. If you have any Bluetooth software installed, try removing it and just using the Windows Bluetooth drivers and see if that helps. Is this under Win 10?

Yes it is. I’ll look into that.

Apparently the new Dashboard update gets pushed out to everyone starting today.

What’s a good music player to use if I want to play music from my computer? On the 360, as long as I had my music libraries on my computer in Windows Media Player, it could all be accessed by the 360, so I could make a Just Cause 2 playlist, Defense Grid Playlist, etc. Is there a music player on the X1 that can do that? And what app do I need to use on Windows 10 to recognize all my music so it can be streamed to the X1?

Background music playing. It’s hilarious (in a ‘seriously, WTF’? sort of way) that we didn’t have this basic functionality from the 360 on the Xbone until recently. I finally got it working today, and as an added bonus now I’ve managed to get it set up to stream from my Google Play Music library. Sure, it’s kind of kludge-y, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers and all that.

  • Install Groove music and VLC player on your Xbox from the Market. Both are free.
  • Install BubbleUPnP on your android device from the Google Play Store. It’s free, but limited unless you buy the license for $4.50 or something. You can try it out and get it up and running, then buy it if you like it (one time cost, sot a subscription).
  • Hook BUPnP to your Google Play Music account. It can stream from all sorts of other apps, too, it seems.
  • From there you just stream what you want to VLC on the Xbox, which then uses Groove to play it in the background. The new Guide makes it a snap to switch between apps and get back to what you were playing. You can control it via the Groove app, or your phone (I prefer the latter).

If you’re just coming from your PC, I imagine it’s probably even easier- just find a way to stream it to the VLC.

And as an added note, VLC is a much better network video player than the crappy half-assed one microsoft put on there.

I had no idea that VLC was available as an XB1 app, thanks!

Just FYI, Civilization Revolution and Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet were added to BC today - those were two games I loved from last gen. Also, Civ Rev is on sale on the marketplace today, though I think maybe it was a GwG at one point?

So the scuttlebutt is Digital Foundry has gotten an exclusive look at Scorpio and will have the first official info on it Thursday at 9AM ET.


That’s a really odd way to roll out the new console to the world.

I don’t know, everybody seems to consider Digital Foundry’s technical analysis to be the gold standard. Get their sign off and you’re in with the horsepower crowd.

It’s about 6 months out, now is the time to start teasing the actual console.

Remember all the “If you don’t have a 4K display there’s no real reason to get Scorpio over a regular Xbox One.” yadda yadda from Phil Spencer last year?

Gee, I wonder what he’ll say this year…

“Scorpio is the reason to get 4K!”

Considering how quickly that went by the wayside for Sony who decided to let developers make their game run better on a Pro on a 1080p display, MS has no reason or choice to do things differently. Just like the Pro though, it doesn’t mean you can’t happily keep buying games on the original One. They will keep mandating no Scorpio exclusives.

MS already did it differently-- the Xbone S runs games slightly faster than the launch Xbone.

And yes, they won’t kill the OG Xbone or Xbone S with the Scorpio launch. I expect forward compatibility for at least 2 generations.

I’m pretty sure he never actually said this? He’s publicly said multiple times that all first-party games will run natively in 4k, and that third-party developers are free to do whatever they want to do with the extra power.

He’s never claimed that first-party games won’t do extra stuff at 1080p, or that people with a 1080p TV have no reason to buy a Scorpio.

From the Eurogamer interview text:

You announced the Xbox One S. And then you closed the show with Scorpio. Why would I buy the Xbox One S knowing the Scorpio is coming? What possible reason would I have given a much more powerful Xbox is coming down the line?

Phil Spencer: What TV do you have?

A standard 1080p TV.

Phil Spencer: Then you should buy this box, because Scorpio is not going to do anything for you. Scorpio is designed as a 4K console, and if you don’t have a 4K TV, the benefit we’ve designed for, you’re not going to see. Clearly, you can buy Scorpio, and if and when you decide you want to buy a 4K television to take advantage of the increased performance, obviously the console will be ready for you.[/quote]

Hah! Whoops.

EDIT: Telefrog beat me to it.

Except when he kinda did at some point?

Yes, I know that later said that the image quality will be higher in 1080p if originally rendered in 4K, but it’s not like you wouldn’t infer from the original statement that it’s all about delivering the same (Xbox One) quality at a higher resolution.