There's still life left in the bones of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 on PC now offers a way for players to host their own private servers for multiplayer. Update 18 for Black Ops 3 comes with a dedicated server tool for unranked multiplayer. Hosts can manage who plays on the server, match rules, the map rotation, and even use custom assets. Speaking of new assets, the update includes more content from the campaign and zombies maps for use by custom map creators. Instructions for the server tool are here.

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Here’s an odd bit of news. There’s apparently a Zombies Chronicles DLC pack coming for Black Ops 3.

People love that game. I really liked it and have all the DLC. It’s funny though that my kids will sometimes be playing it with friends even now over a year and a half later.

Personally, I loved Infinite Warfare so I’ve moved on, but BO III is definitely beloved by the CoD people who liked the sci-fi aspects.

More leaks:

Zombie Chronicles has to be the most pleasant surprise for me this year!

I haven’t actively played a Call of Duty since Modern Warfare 2 but the Zombies Chronicles DLC intrigued me and I recently picked it up. I have been having a blast with it. It’s B-movie dumb and just pure adrenaline fueled fun with no pretenses at being anything more sophisticated. I have probably spent the most time in the Nacht der Untoten map which originally dates back to 2008 and is probably the most straightforward of the bunch but is improved with all of the recent mechanics like random gun crates, bobblegums, and random perks.

Zombie Chronicles really suits my tastes of late which emphasize co-op multiplayer horde modes (I spend a lot of time with Killing Floor 2 and would happily jump back in Titanfall 2 if they ever release the Frontier Defense horde mode again). As I get older I find much more satisfying and positive multiplayer experiences working as a team towards a shared objective against an AI and while I still play PVP I don’t have the time to improve alongside the core fanbase of most games.

If you told me a year ago that Zombie Chronicles DLC for Black Ops III would’ve been one of the most fun videogame experiences of 2017 for me I would have looked at you incredulously and considered you touched.

Hmm. A surprise update to BLOPs 3, including a new snow-covered version of Forest for multiplayer and a new Infected mode.

I predict we’re close to seeing some info on BLOPs 4.

I guess I need to pull it out and play it again?!

I bought this at release and still haven’t installed it. D: