These Are The Voyages-Star Trek TOS Remastered and Reconsidered

I was at the Vegas Star Trek Con last year and the woman who played the salt vampire had a table there. Not the pretty human woman but the woman who was in the monster costume. She couldn’t have been nicer when I chatted with her. Turns out she was a dancer in a bunch of forgettable Elvis movies and was also a body double in Lost in Space. She had a lot of tv and movie credits. Very charming to talk to you.

I also saw the warden from Shawshank wheeling by in a motorized wheelchair. Apparently he was in a Trek episode and was there to sign and pose. It’s such a funny industry. “So who are you?” “Oh, I worked as a gaffer on the Tribbles episode.” “Cool! Can I get a pic with you?” “Sure, it’s $10.”

Well, that was fun!
So much goofy romance.
And 1% of the entire crew dies in this episode (if my recollection of 430 total crew is correct). And none of them had red shirts.
The audio and video quality on Amazon was quite good, I thought.
Nice job with the planet surface set, considering how long ago this was.
Also, the Enterprise interior looked fantastic; much better than I remembered.

I know I’ve seen this episode before (because who could forget a salt vampire?), but I had forgotten most of it. In fact, I’m sure I’ve seen every episode in the series multiple times back in the day. It’ll be interesting to see how much from upcoming episodes I’ve forgotten.

Seems to me that I’ll remember much more of the future episodes; so many of them are ingrained in my memory. But for some reason, I only remembered certain key moments from this one. The creature reveal was terrifying when I was a kid.

There are certain episodes I’m greatly anticipating, but I don’t know their titles. I know very few titles of these episodes, or even which seasons my favorites were in, because I saw them so many times in syndication and out of order.
The one with the rock in the tunnel that Spock communicates with was mind-blowing when I was like 8 years old, so I’m really looking forward to that one.

Are we going to be doing these in order? If so, I’m cool with that.

Kroc, the Blurays give you the option of watching cleaned up Original FX or the new ones. Even side by side.

That’s really interesting, and offer probably the more (…most? Help me with my Frenglish, @Chappers!) sensible argument for the redone FX, as I’d be totally taken out if the Enterprise were gorgeous one day, then a trembling thing on visible ropes the next one.

The Man Trap
Written by: George Clayton Johnson. Other notable credits: the novel Logan’s Run, multiple Twilight Zone episodes (including “The Four of Us Are Dying”, “Nothing in the Dark”, “Kick the Can”, “A Game of Pool”, and “A Penny for Your Thoughts”), the story on which the 1960 and 2001 films Ocean’s Eleven were based.

So I took notes randomly while watching; I’ll riff off of those.

Long Dead Ancient Civilization

The planet and sets were really evocative of a long dead ancient civilization. I thought it was interesting that for the first broadcast, it wasn’t “take me to your leader” or a simple “monster of the week”. A long dead ancient civilization; the Craters living in the ruins of a sci-fi Sumeria, a bustling alien city; now gone. Really interesting concept for 1966. The sets were evocative and gorgeous, both in the Craters’ residence and on the planet.

Big Ship/“Vulcan has no moon”/Personal Yeoman

As I discussed earlier in the thread with @Gordon_Cameron, this was a prime example of the “Big Ship”. The Botany Lab, multiple crew members outside of the main cast with speaking lines,. All of these evoked a large ship and interpersonal relationships beyond what we see in the main plot lines. Rand and Sulu bantering in the Botany lab. Rand, “He’s not speaking today”, when referring to what she thinks is Lt. Green.

I got a bit of personal satisfaction that the very first broadcast episode established canon (Vulcan having no moon) that JJ the moon destroyer couldn’t keep. But to a larger point, and building on what Dive and Giles commented on earlier, we are establishing characters: Uhura is sweet and thoughtful, Spock doesn’t understand being sick of work and so on. The script was really fantastic in that sense.

It is 1966, and #MeToo hasn’t arrived in the Federation yet. The comments about the Captain having “His own personal Yeoman” and the crew members leching after Rand really was a product of its time. Though, I’ll still give the show credit: Kirk was all business, all episode, even while the yahoos in the crew leered at Rand.

Creature Telepathic? Extra Emphatic? What gives?

The creature says to Uhura, “You were thinking of someone like me”. And later to McCoy, “Your feelings are better (than Dr. Crater’s)”. What was going on here? It really hints at far more than we know of. More than just a simple doppelganger effect.

Trek Geek Trivia Stuff: Undershirts, Old Unis and Old Phasers

Indulging my geekdom, I have always thought they played with the idea of there being black under uniforms early, and then later made the tunics have black collars instead. This kind of lent credence to that theory.

Also I noticed tunics from The Cage/Where No Man Has Gone Before/The Menagerie during the intruder alert.

Also, I always noticed Crater had a different weapon when I was a kid. A Laser (or Phaser?) from The Cage/Where No Man Has Gone Before/The Menagerie

Conference Room is mindblowing: Premise/Screenwriting and Acting

The most fascinating scene for me was the Conference room meeting with Crater and the creature impersonating McCoy. Talking about the creature and its motivations. DeForest Kelley really was the standout in this episode in my opinion.

I found this on youtube, a user rescored the scene with the originally intended “Conference” music by Courage (which wasn’t used). Interesting in and of itself, but it serves my purpose of getting the scene in this post. It really is a masterful job by Kelly, Shatner and Alfred Ryder
(Dr. Crater).

Finally, I though Courage’s score was very effective and horror influenced. Lonely. Haunting. It reminded me of similar scores from Roger Corman films from the era (The Terror, Masque of the Red Death).

Ultimately, I really enjoy this one. It isn’t a “Top Ten” but it is definitely a “Top 25”. No weak spots. Good story, effective Sci Fi, good dialogue, interesting characters, well-shot, beautiful sets.

That was a great write up, @Navaronegun. I really enjoyed reading that.

What slowed Corbomite down in production, Krok? The spaceship modelling?

Yeah, great writeup, thanks!

Aluminum powder filmed in front of a black background. Then turned upside down and composited over the characters.

Gene asking for strange alien plants. His assistants bringing back house plants. He gets pissed off. He yanks a plant from the pot, shakes the dirt off of the roots, stuffs it into the pot upside down. He says, “Paint it pink. That’s an alien plant!” Walks off’

No lie? God, such an insufferable dick.

You have a copy of The Making of Star Trek? Great book.

Never read that one, but I should have. Is it unfiltered about Gene (I notice on Amazon he is credited as a coauthor)?

Honestly I don’t see this particular thing as insufferable. I see it more like he wanted to make a really different kind of show with a minimal budget. I’m not saying he wasn’t an ass. Just that I get his point this time.

I can see that. He was a visionary, and the show really strove to be excellent, and he had a lot to do with that. The constant nickle and diming, for personal gain/glory, composers and writers always grate me about him, though. As well as his reluctance to admit that it was a team effort (TOS) in retrospect. Trying to rewrite history that he was a lone genius.

Thanks, Kroc. Bought.

It’s heeere!

This just turned up in my news feed. Figured since he was involved in making a lot of iconic sound effects for Trek, this was as good a place as any to remember his work:

Housekeeping note: I had hoped to watch another episode of TOS over the weekend but it didn’t happen. Planning to watch Charlie X on Wednesday, have some notes up probably that night.

I’ll watch Wednesday night as well and do a post after you. This will be my first Blu-Ray episode.

I watched The Man Trap last night and then skipped all the way to The Galileo Seven.

Skipped around some more until it was time for bed and I turned off the battle against Landru mid-stroke.

“How wouldja like that as your personal yeoman?”