This ancient dude lives in my building

I’ve helped him up the stairs plenty of times:

I noticed he had a big, very old photo of an American Indian chief on the wall right inside his door, with a long dedication written on it. Plus he knows ME! Truly a rich life.

That is a cool dude. You should hang out with him more.

Find out what his Gamertag is, I’ll add him to my Friends list.

I had an old, cool, poet dude living in my apartment building. He died. We had a wake and lots of artsy people read poetry. It was sad. I wish I had hung out with him more instead of working so much at the time. He always had young college women visiting him.

Meh. People like that are a dime a dozen in Hyde Park.

I took a class from Tom Lehrer once. I always meant to approach him with my own silly computer-related rhymes but found his genius intimidating. He wrote me a very nice evaluation at the end of the course.

Send him a link to the P&R forum.

I don’t know who that is, but that’s a pretty cool story. Meeting people that you either look up to or hear a lot about is always interesting. When I met Derrida, it seemed kind of odd. He died shortly after that. Pure coincidence.

Just one more reason to be in awe of fire.

Lehrer is a personal hero – for a variety of reasons. Sad day when he quit performing.

I… I don’t know who Tom Lehrer is, but I will intarweb him and find out.

Some embaressing things, you don’t have to admit. You could just have Googled him (or listen to the Lehrer song I linked in Bills pigeon genocide thread) and come back and said the obvious: Wow, that’s pretty cool Fire! Sad you didn’t pick up the courage.

I’ve met a few people I’ve admired for years and every single meet has been a dissapointment (the fact that Christopher Lee thought I was an idiot hurt the most). I’d love to meet Lehrer, I have all his records. The originals on vinyl.

What did you say to Lee to make him think you’re an idiot?

He never quit performing. He did a tap dance for us in class, to show us how to group things into 13s.

I know who Tom Lehrer is, but I didn’t know he invented the Jello shot.

Sometimes I’m not sure if Wiki isn’t pulling my leg.

I never liked my old neighbor. He was this painter freak with a Charlie Chaplin moustache. I don’t remember his real name but we called him Shittle-grouper. I forget why. I think he’s dead now. Good riddance. I think he liked animals more than people. Huge fucking asshole. Would get worked up about the smallest shit. If he wasn’t ever famous he sure acted like he was.