This is just ridiculous; City praises City Manager who got paid $800,000

Jack Burton does that to a lot of people.

They hired the guy in 2009. Why would they pay him $457,000? Because he was a friend? It makes me think other illegal things were going on and he was hired because he would look the other way.

They haven’t found anything on the police chief and it would surprise me if they did. He wasn’t approving all the tax hikes, free loans and other bullshit they were doing. He was just the police chief. Now if it turns out that people were concerned about corruption and tried to ask for a criminal investigation and he turned them down, that would be different. But the populace seemed oblivious to what was going on.

I can’t believe how greedy these people are. $800,000 a year is not enough, and he has to steal even more? Good grief. He’s lucky he’s not in China.

In further news, they are stuck in jail right now because the judge won’t allow them to use money that they gained illegally to make bail. So basically they would need some donations, and they are probably finding those hard to get.

Also the police chief appears to have lied about his medical conditions in order to get a tax free pension, so he’s probably on his way to meet the rest of them.

Oh and they got the voters to pass a $60M bond to build a sports complex except it was never built. Nor are there even any plans to build it. It was just another way to get people to pay for the city council and city manager’s fraud.

It’s astounding really what these people have done. I don’t know, it really is very ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! to me. And then people complain about regulations and the cost of oversight and all. And I wish like hell that all of these regulations and audits didn’t have to be. But after Bell, I think city management is going to look a whole lot different in California. Because of some greedy shitty jackasses, us taxpayers are going to have to pay for all this. There are some times where I do wish there was a way of discouraging this type of behavior in a more brutal way, but in the end I’m non-violent, so I guess money will have to do.

Maybe a non-violent way to get them back would be to put them on the sex offender registry, and makes up some convictions about molestation and rape or something.