Old server has gone the way of all flesh, hopefully email replies work now. Or not, who would use something like that in 2018?

The new forum called me ugly and I cried :(

Yeah, I also noticed the delay between hitting the reply button and the post being saved.

Something got migrated?


Edit: woohoo!

I have nothing to test, I am innocent!

None are innocent. Don’t you believe in original sin? Guilty or not guilty. Never innocent.

Hey guys what’s going on

Like and subscribe

I do not consent to this label.


Performance is still quite poor, tons of iowait as we’re rebaking posts. This too shall pass.

Where’s the like button? /grin

Thanks for your fine work, Señor.

Yeah, it’s getting ready to get worse for a bit… Hold on to your asses.

Note: if we have severe disk grinding, we might need to reboot/recover/drink bourbon.

checks out

One thing that I’ll never understand is that databases sometimes seem faster when you’re having them do some heinous task on another thread. Magnets: how do they work?

I’m getting a 502: Bad Gateway error when I try to post sometimes. And then if I try again, it says body of content is too similar to what I have just posted. So I cancel the post. I check back later, and both posts that I tried using this never showed up.

Edit: Trying again with an additional edit this time.

Edit 2: Hmmm, nope. I guess I just can’t post right now. I guess I’ll try again in a few minutes.

Edit 3: Again? Come on, work.

Edit 4: I’ll leave it alone for an hour or so and try again.

Edit 5: Nope, over an hour later, still only getting 502: Bad Gateway. Maybe I’ll try in another hour.

What?! This looks nothing like vBulletin!

Tried twice to post this , but couldn’t until now!


We are rebaking every old post and need to make some performance adjustments tomorrow to handle the increased load. Sorry for the troubles. It should be smoother in a few days.