This movie sucks! But, man, do I love it!

Anybody ever seen Flesh Gordon? THAT made an impression on me in high school.

I love that movie so much it hurts.

Oh yeah that reminds me Private School…for Girls. Primarily because Betsy Russell is so damn hot in it. Shame she fell off the planet for 15 years and didn’t show back up until Saw.

That reminds me, me and my friends had a laugh out loud night with this one:

Evil Aliens

This explains half of The Mystery That Is Bill Dungsroman…

I mean, it’s just nonstop tits.

…while this explains the other half.

Sure you spelled that title right? For the sake of posterity, obviously.


Wait. That’s a bad movie? I love that movie! Unfortunately, I always get strange looks when I talk about Brain Clouds, or how the flourescent lights are suck, suck, SUCKing the juice from my eyeballs.

It is to weep.

I’ll second this one. In the same line of “teen movies”, 10 Things I Hate About You was great too.

My main addition to this list: I also absolutely love The Sweetest Thing. Cameron Diaz gets poked in the eye with peen from a glory hole, Christina Applegate gets felt up by other women in a bathroom in a club, and Selma Blair has sex with a guy in a purple elephant costume. It is silly, contrived, and “fuckin’ grandma” gets me giggling everytime. This is the one movie that I can watch over, and over, and over, and over again, and never be tired of it.

I always get that one confused with Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn, because I saw them both at about the same time. Same schlock, same guilty pleasure.

I always get that one confused with Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn, because I saw them both at about the same time. Same schlock, same guilty pleasure.

Another awesome movie: Hell Comes to Frogtown.

I’ll tell you the God’s honest truth Mike, so do I! I actually checked on imdb and put in Metalstorm first, saw that it wasn’t the right one, and then checked for Ringwald’s ouevre to get it right.

We had a bad movies club in high school that required watching Flesh Gordon, Pink Flamingos, and Ironmaster before you could gain full membership. Of the three, Ironmaster was definitely the worst/best, but the surfin bird scene in Pink Flamingos definitely made an impression.

Both Matrix sequels?

Two of mine:

-The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
-Weird Science

It’s Pat. It just pushes all the right funny buttons. “I played with The Ween!”.

Also, Liquid Sky. Kind of a drugged out 80’s new wave/sci fi version of a Warhol flick. Awesome soundtrack.

The Hidden was always a fave of mine, but it didn’t hold up as well as I remembered when I watched it a few years ago.

Speaking of Stuart Gordon, he has a new film playing film festivals called Stuck. It’s based on the true story of a girl (Mena Suvari) who is driving drunk and fucked up on X, and hits a homeless guy (Stephen Rea). She drives home with him stuck in her windshield, and does nothing to save him. From there it differs from the real events, but it’s a nice mix of Hitchcock with trademark Stuart Gordon gore. It was so popular at the SF Indie fest that they kept re-running it. Definitely keep an eye out for it if you’re a fan.

Tokyo Drift has the awesomest opening. I absolutely loved that movie for about twenty minutes, and then again during the last thirty seconds. Shame about all that junk that happens in between.


innocent blood: the french chick from le femm nikita as a vampire who eats mobsters. she screws up one night and a capo manages to get bitten but not eaten (his love of garlic on his food saves him).

tremors: giant worms. i vote for outer space: no way these are local boys. plus, it has the dad from family ties as a gun toting survivalist. loved the sequels too.

I was laid up all weekend with the flu, and ended up watching this at like 2 in the afternoon on Saturday when nothing else was on. It wasn’t too bad! I especially liked the part where he drifts his car through the huge crowd of pedestrians in the major intersection. Definitely a sucky movie, but it had some fun, enjoyable stuff in it.

I really liked the first Mortal Kombat, and watched it endlessly one day when I was sick.

Does Dagon count as a bad movie one could enjoy? I just thought it was one of the best HP lovecraft tributes I’ve seen NOT done on a invisible budget. Definetly a little rough around the edges, but the best non low budget HPL storylike movie I’ve seen.

I loved that soundtrack! I still own it! Owned the movie to, was the best video game adaptation for the longest time.